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  2020-06-15 00:00:00  

博雅英语-4-(配有光盘) 本书特色


博雅英语-4-(配有光盘) 目录

Unit 1 LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE…1Part One Lead-in…2 Section 1 Listening The Chinese Language…2 Section 2 Watching The Hours…2Part Two Reading and Writing…2 Text A The Mark on the Wall…3Part Three Reading and Speaking…9 Text B In Theory: the Death of Literature…9Part Four Cross Cultural Communication…13 Passage A 甲骨文的发现…13 Passage B Formal and Substantive Universals ofLanguages …15Unit 2 HISTORY AND CIVILIZATION…18Part One Lead-in…19 Section 1 Listening Cultural Diversity and Assimilation in America: a Failure?…19 Section 2 Watching Ancient Egypt…19Part Two Reading and Writing…19 Text A On History…20Part Three Reading and Speaking…26 Text B Chinese and Western Civilization Contrasted…26Part Four Cross Cultural Communication…30 Passage A 丝绸之路与文化交流…30 Passage B The Process of Civilisation…32Unit 3 PHILOSOPHY AND LIFE…34Part One Lead-in…35 Section 1 Listening Problems of Philosophy…35 Section 2 Watching Zeno Paradox…35Part Two Reading and Writing…35 Text A What Philosophy Is For…36Part Three Reading and Speaking…42 Text B Meaning in Life…42Part Four Cross Cultural Communication…46 Passage A 中国哲学的线索…46 Passage B What Is Enlightenment?…47Unit 4 MUSIC AND THE SOCIAL WORLD…51Part One Lead-in…52 Section 1 Listening Preference for Familiar orUnfamiliar Sounds? …52 Section 2 Watching Arches in Music and Architecture…52Part Two Reading and Writing…53 Text A Why Premieres?…53Part Three Reading and Speaking…60 Text B Music and the Social World…60Part Four Cross Cultural Communication…64 Passage A 中国古代音乐的文化内涵…64 Passage B The Musical Legacies of Antiquity…65Unit 5 DEMOCRACY AND LAW…69Part One Lead-in…70 Section 1 Listening Rawls and His Theory of Justice…70 Section 2 Watching Introduction to Political Philosophy…70Part Two Reading and Writing…71 Text A Two Principles of Justice…71Part Three Reading and Speaking…77 Text B Equality, Liberty and Democracy…78Part Four Cross Cultural Communication…82 Passage A “仁”和“礼”…82 Passage B On Liberty…83信息 博雅英语-4-(配有光盘)
