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  2020-06-15 00:00:00  

一本搞定英语常见错误-英语正误辨析A到Z 本书特色

《一本搞定英语常见错误——英文正误辨析a到z》列举了作者30多年来在教学中发现常见的英语错误,为你提供了清楚易读的辨析,让你知道如何避免错误的用法,并提供相关的趣味例句,使你更容易理解词汇的意思、惯用法以及复杂的语法规则。   《一本搞定英语常见错误——英文正误辨析a到z》不仅是一本易读好用的语法参考书,而且是一本趣味性强的阅读书。书中的一些语法解说幽默诙谐,例句内容包罗万象,充满了生活味和文学味,而且例句还韵味十足,更重要的是,完全符合地道的英语表达习惯。

一本搞定英语常见错误-英语正误辨析A到Z 内容简介

对英语学习者而言,即使脑中拥有大量单词、满口流利英语,并不表示就说对了喔!因此,本书特地为任何有志于学好标准英语的人士编写,更是要参加各类英语考试的读者以及英语教师所不可或缺的参考书!   作者累积多年丰富的教学经验,整理出许多英语中常见的错误用法,依字母表顺序排列,采用正误对照的方式,作清晰的说明解释,并加上实用例句,帮助理清细微的英语语法错误!   本书编排的词汇索引,方便读者以更快的方式查询英语语法说明,你可以将本书当作正误词典,随时读、随时查!

一本搞定英语常见错误-英语正误辨析A到Z 目录

1 a/an
2 a/an
3 a/an
4 a(an)/one
5 a lot of/a great deal of
6 a lot of/many/much
7 above/over
8 absent/away/out
9 accept/except
10 according to
11 acoustics
12 action
13 advice/advise
14 affect/effect
15 afraid of/afraid to
16 after
17 afterward/later
18 after/in
19 ago/for
20 ago/since
21 all (接单数或复数动词)
22 all/not all
23 all right/alright
24 allow
25 alphabet/letter
26 also/too
27 also/too/either
28 although/but
29 altogether/all together
30 a.m./p.m.
31 among/between
32 amount/number
33 amused/amusing
34 and/or
35 and/plus
36 another
37 another/more
38 antecedents
39 any
40 any/a (an)
41 any/one
42 any other
43 anybody
44 anyway/any way
45 apartment/flat
46 apostrophe
47 appreciate
48 approach
49 arithmetic
50 arrangement: make (the) arrangement/make (the) arrangements
51 as a result of
52 as bad as or worse than
53 as/like
54 as if/like
55 as well as
56 ask/ask for
57 aspect/point of view
58 assure/ensure/insure
59 atend/join
60 attention/attentions
61 attitude
62 attributive clauses/adjective clauses/relative clauses
63 average
64 avoid
65 awhile/a while
quiz a
66 bad/badly
67 baggage
68 ball/balls/baseball
69 bathe/bath
70 bathroom/toilet/restroom
71 because/so
72 because of
73 been/gone
74 begin/start
75 behavior
76 believe
77 belong in
78 belong to
79 beside/besides
80 besides/except
81 better/had better
82 better/more better
83 between...and.../from...to...
84 between you and me/between you and i
85 big/large
86 big/old
87 biscuit/cookie
88 blood pressure
89 bored/boring
90 borrow/lend
91 borrow/use
92 both...and...
93 both/either/neither
94 bowling
95 brake/break
96 breakfast
97 bring/take
98 busy
quiz b
99 call/phone/ring
100 called/named
101 can not/cannot
102 cant/mustnt
103 capital/capitol
104 capitalization
105 care about/take care of
106 careful
107 cart/trolley
108 case
109 cattle
110 check/cheque
111 checkin/check in
112 child/kid
113 cinema/movies
114 cinema/theater/theatre
115 clarify/correct
116 class/classroom
117 climate/weather
118 close/closed
119 close, open/turn off, turn on
120 cloth/clothes/clothing
121 collective noun
122 color
123 color/colour
124 come/go
125 come with/follow
126 compare to/compare with
127 condition/conditions
128 conjunctions
129 consider
130 consideration
131 consist
132 continual/continuous/constant
133 continue/continue on
134 cook/cooker
135 cost/price
136 costly/expensive/dear
137 couple
138 cut/cut out
139 cure/treat
quiz c
140 damage/hurt/injure
141 dangling constructions/misplaced modifiers
142 dare
143 dead/die
144 deadly/dead
145 deal in/deal with
146 decision
147 degree
148 despite/in spite of
149 desert/dessert
150 detail
151 diagnose
152 differ
153 different from/different than/different to
154 difficulty
155 difficulty/problem
156 discourage
157 discuss
158 disinterested/uninterested
159 divorce
160 do(auxiliary verb): missing
161 do(auxiliary verb): redundant
162 doublets/wordiness
163 doubling the final consonant
164 doubt
165 downtown
166 drink/eat/take
167 drunk/drunken
168 due to/owing to
169 during/for
170 during/since
quiz d
171 each
172 each/none
173 each other/one another
174 earth
175 economic/economical
176 ed form/ing form
177 efficient/effective
178 effort
179 either
180 either...or...
181 electric/electrical
182 elder/older
183 elevator/lift
184 emigrate/immigrate
185 emphasis/emphasize
186 encourage
187 end/end up
188 enjoy
189 enjoy doing/enjoy to do
190 enough
191 enter/enter into
192 enter/join
193 entitle/title
194 envelop/envelope
195 equipment
196 escape from school/skip school
197 especially/specially
198 even/even though/even if
199 even though/but
200 every day/everyday
201 every one/everyone
202 every thing/everything
203 every time/everytime
204 evidence
205 except
206 except/except for
207 excited/exciting
quiz e
208 face/in the face of
209 family
210 farm
211 farther/further (farthest/furthest)
212 fatal/fatally
213 faucet/tap
214 favorable/favorite
215 fee
216 fellow/other
217 few/a few
218 few/little (a few/a little)
219 fewer/less
220 fill/fill in
221 finally/at last
222 fish/fishes
223 fit/suit/match
224 floor
225 food/foods
226 forbid
227 forget
228 forget/leave
229 forth/fourth
230 forward/foreword
231 friendly
232 from...to...
233 fulfill/fulfil
234 fun
235 further/furthest
quiz f
236 garbage/rubbish
237 garden/yard
238 gas/petrol
239 get
240 get down/get off/get out
241 go/come
242 go into
243 go jogging/go to jog
244 gonna (= going to)
245 good
246 good/well
247 graduate
248 grateful/thankful
quiz g
249 hair
250 hanged/hung
251 hardly
252 have
253 have/have got
254 have to
255 health
256 healthful/healthy
257 heat/heating
258 hear
259 hear/listen
260 help
261 hers/her/hers
262 high/tall
263 hire/rent
264 his/her
265 historical/historic
266 holiday/vacation
267 home
268 homework
269 homework/housework
270 hope
271 hope/wish
272 hospital
273 hot
274 how/what
275 however/but
276 hundred
quiz h
277 i
278 ideal/perfect
279 if
280 if/in case
281 ill/sick
282 import/export
283 important (essential/desirable/necessary/vital)
284 in/on
285 in/since/on
286 in school/at school
287 in spite of/inspite of
288 indirect speech/reported speech
289 infinitive
290 infinitive form/ing form
291 infinitive without "to"
292 inform
293 information
294 injure
295 injure/wound
296 inside
297 insist
298 interested
299 interested/interesting
300 into/in to
301 inversion
302 irregardless/regardless
303 its/its
quiz i
304 jewel/jewellery/jewelry
305 journey/tour/voyage


