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学会阅读:语音意识和阅读:phonological awareness and reading

  2020-06-15 00:00:00  

学会阅读:语音意识和阅读:phonological awareness and reading 内容简介


学会阅读:语音意识和阅读:phonological awareness and reading 目录

part i introduction  chapter 1 teaching and literacy problems    abroad and at home    1.1 some problems in english teaching    in middle schools in china    1.2 literacy crisis and reading activity    in the usapart ii phonological awareness,    phonics and reading  chapter 2 phonological awareness, related training    methods and researches    2.1 the definition of phonological awareness    2.2 the definition of phonemic awareness and    its relations to phonological awareness    2.3 the importance of phonological awareness    2.4 the training methods of phonological awareness ~    2.5 a meta-analysis of experimental training studies    about phonological awareness and early reading    2.6 the assessment of phonological awareness    2.7 critical issues of the research of phonological    awareness abroad and in china.  chapter 3 phonics and its relationship with    phonological awareness    3.1 the definition of phonics    3.2 the roles of phonics    3.3 approaches to phonics instruction    3.4 the training approaches to phonological    awareness versus phonics    3.5 the relation between phonological    awareness and phonics    3.6 some critical issues in the integration of    phonological awareness and phonics    instruction in china  chapter 4 reading and the role of phonological    awareness to learning to read    4.1 the definition of reading    4.2 the nature of relation between phonological    awareness and reading    4.3 the importance and roles of phonological    awareness to literacypart iii research on the relationship    between phonological awareness and reading  chapter 5 research design and the experiment t    i    5.1 the design of the research    5.2 the procedure of the experiment    5.3 data collection    5.4 data analysis  chapter 6 results and discussion    6.1 results and analysis    6.2 discussion    6.3 general review    6.4 general conclusion    6.5 limitation    6.6 further suggestionspart iv teaching pronunciation and training    phonological awareness  chapter 7 introduction to english basic elements    7.1 english phonetic symbols and english letters    7.2 sounds of consonant letters and groups of    consonant letters    7.3 sounds of vowel letters and groups of vowel    letters in stressed syllables    7.4 syllables, stress and rhythm  chapter 8 tasks for teaching pronunciation and    training phonological awareness    8.1 different ways for teaching pronunciation    8.2 different tasks for training phonological awareness    8.3 advice on planning phonetics lessonsappendixes    appendix 1 demographic information of ec in the    experiment    appendix 2 demographic information of cc in the    experiment    appendix 3 pilot-test paper on overall performances    appendix 4 post-test paper on overall performances    appendix 5 pilot-test on reading comprehension    appendix 6 post-test on reading comprehension    appendix 7 pilot-test on the task of phonological awareness    appendix 8 post-test on the task of phonological awareness    appendix 9 pilot-test on the decoding words and non-words    appendix 10 post-test on the decoding words and non-words    appendix 11 关于学生拼读单词、预习和复习    对话及短文、记忆单词的方法    以及阅读理解能力的问卷调查    appendix 12 design and time schedule of the study    appendix 13 list of abbreviations ~bibliography

学会阅读:语音意识和阅读:phonological awareness and reading 作者简介


学会阅读:语音意识和阅读:phonological awareness and reading
