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  2020-06-15 00:00:00  

交际生活篇-终极美语训练营 内容简介


交际生活篇-终极美语训练营 目录

chapter 1 婚姻情感
 01 falling in love 邂逅爱情 
 02 office romance 办公室恋情 
 03 breaking up 恋人分手 
 04 marry me 嫁给我吧 
 05 naked marriage 裸婚 
 06 cross-cultural marriage 跨文化婚姻 
 07 romantic wedding 浪漫的婚礼 
 08 wedding anniversary 结婚周年纪念日 
 09 the cost of flash marriage 闪婚的代价 
 10 breaking a marriage 离婚 
chapter 2 职来职往
 01 the first days for job 初入职场 
 02 colleague relations 同事关系 
 03 office automation 办公自动化
 04 working overtime 加班 
 05 ask for leave 请假 
 06 job-hopping 跳槽 
 07 resignation 请辞 
 08 starting a business 创业 
chapter 3 交通出行
 01 travel by plane 乘坐飞机出行 
 02 the train to los angeles 开往洛杉矶的火车 
 03 taking a bus 乘坐公交车 
 04 taking the subway 乘坐地铁出行
 05 taking a taxi 乘出租车出行 
 06 renting a car 租车出行 
 07 no parking here 此处禁止停车 
 08 frequent traffic accident 交通事故频发 
chapter 4 美食诱惑
 01 where to eat 去哪儿就餐 
 02 drinking coffee at starbucks 在星巴克喝咖啡 
 03 ready to order 可以点菜了 
 04 go dutch 我们aa吧 
 05 giving tips 支付小费 
chapter 5 时尚休闲
 01 original films 原版电影 
 02 newspapers and magazines 报纸和杂志 
 03 television programme 电视节目 
 04 blogs 博客 
 05 online game 网络游戏 
 06 bar-hopping 酒吧消遣 
 07 coffee tasting 闲情咖啡 
 08 traveling in holiday 旅游度假 
 09 photography 摄影 
 10 having a picnic 野餐 
chapter 6 体育热点
 01 olympic games 奥运会 
 02 nba 美国职业篮球联赛 
 03 fifa world cup 世界杯 
 04 tour of france 环法自行车赛 
 05 formula one race f1赛车 
 06 extreme sports 极限运动 
 07 volleyball 排球运动 
 08 badminton 羽毛球 
chapter 7 节日庆祝
 01 valentine's day 情人节 
 02 easter eggs 复活节彩蛋 
 03 april fools' day 愚人节 
 04 trick or treat 不给糖就捣乱 
 05 thanksgiving turkey 感恩节火鸡 
 06 here comes santa claus 圣诞老人来了 
 07 happy birthday 生日快乐 
chapter 8 社会杂谈
 01 environmental protection 环境保护 
 02 the food security problem 食品安全问题 
 03 chinese and western education 中西方教育 
 04 stock market 股市 
 05 neet 啃老族 
 06 internet banking 网上银行 
 07 internet addiction 网络依赖 
 08 computer virus 电脑病毒
 09 foreign language ability 外语能力 

交际生活篇-终极美语训练营 作者简介


