东坡笔意-林语堂英译诗文选 本书特色
东坡笔意-林语堂英译诗文选 内容简介
东坡笔意-林语堂英译诗文选 目录
record on the terrace for stepping on the void 凌虚台记 paper for the palace examinations 拟进士对御试策(节录) painting the inner law of things 净因院画记 memorial to his majesty emperor shentsung 上神宗皇帝书(节录) the valley of yuntang 文与可画筼筜谷偃竹记 ankuo temple 黄州安国寺记(节录) the stone bell mountain 石钟山记 the story of a girl who came back to life 处子再生 the secret of longevity life 延年术 to eat and sleep 措大吃饭 truth is harder to see than the sun 日喻 tungpo on the art of writing 与友人论文书选 moments with su tungpo 志林书札选 song of shangtu 上堵吟 to tseyu 辛丑十一月十九日, 既与子由别于郑州西门之外, 马上赋诗一篇寄之 nostalgia—in response to tseyu’s poem 和子由渑池怀旧 on duty at court on new year’s eve 熙宁中,轼通守此郡。除夜,直都厅,囚系皆满,日暮不得返舍,因题一诗于壁,今二十年矣。衰病之余,复忝郡寄,再经除夜,庭事萧然,三圄皆空 to tseyu 颍州初别子由二首 lakeview terrace 六月二十七日望湖楼醉书 the sigh of a peasant woman 吴中田妇叹 west lake 饮湖上初晴后雨 on his trip to fuyang 新城道中 on the western garden 西斋 the recluse pavilion 和文与可洋川园池三十首? 吏隐亭 cloud gazing tower 和文与可洋川园池三十首? 望云楼 to tseyu—on leaving for michow in early morning, to the tune of ch’inyuanch’un 沁园春 孤馆灯青 a dream, to the tune of chiangch’engtse 江城子 十年生死两茫茫 mid-autumn festival, to the tune of shuitiaoket’ou 水调歌头 明月几时有 to linkao at night, to the tune of linchiangsien 临江仙 夜饮东坡醒复醉 let me go home 满庭芳 归去来兮 random thoughts, to the tune of shinghsiangtse 行香子 清夜无尘 for chaoyun, to the tune of tuenchiao 殢人娇?赠朝云 plum, to the tune of hsichiangyueh 西江月 玉骨那愁瘴雾 imperial decree conferring posthumously the title of grand imperial tutor upon su tungpo 宋赠苏文忠公太师敕文
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