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  2020-06-15 00:00:00  

量词的句法研究 本书特色

《量词的句法研究》秉承形式主义语言学的学术理念,试图证明人类语言有着普遍意义上的计数机制,以此实现语言的计数( counting)。词库( lexicon)里的名词没有可数名词和物质名词之分,只有经过计数机制的操作方可实现计数。《量词的句法研究》从英汉语言对比出发,提出量词语类是实施这种计数机制的普遍功能语类。作者认为,把人类语言划分为量词类型语言与非量词类型语言的类型学假设缺乏必要性,非量词类型语言中存在物质名词和可数名词之分,量词类型语言中名词都是物质名词的提法也因此失去了逻辑基础。

量词的句法研究 内容简介


量词的句法研究 目录

list of abbreviations iii
chapter one introduction 1
1.1 preliminaries 1
1.2 overview 2
1.3 a note on terminology and data 7
chapter two bare nouns, plurality and classifiers 9
2.1 bare nouns: reference to kinds9
2.2 the count-mass dichotomy of nouns15
2.2.1 the lexical approach to the count-mass dichotomy 16
2.2.2 the syntactic approach to count-mass dichotomy 20
2.3 plurality and classifiers 25
2.3.1 plurality 25
2.3.2 classifiers 27
2.3.3 linking plurality to classifiers 29
2.4 our account 33
2.4.1 bare nouns as property-denoting root nouns 33
2.4.2 countability 40
2.5 summary 52
chapter three a unified account of classifier phrases 53
3.1 the constituency of classifier phrases 53
3.1.1 the constituency of classifier phrases in chinese 53
3.1.2 the constituency of pseudo-partitive constructions in english 71
3.1.3 the syntactic relation between nume and cl 78
3.1.4 summing up 81
3.2 an overall semantic account of different types of classifiers 81
3.3 the feature decomposition analysis of classifier phrases 84
3.3.1 number 84
3.3.2 the feature decomposition of cl 88
3.3.3 pseudo-plural forms 94
3.3.4 summing up 103
3.4 summary 104
chapter four towards different interpretations of nominal phrases 105
4.1 dp 105
4.1.1 previous discussions on d 105
4.1.2 redefining d and its relevant notions 111
4.1.3 the feature decomposition analysis of d 111
4.2 accounting for different interpretations of nominal phrases 114
4.2.1 canonical dps 114
4.2.2 non-canonical dps 119
4.2.3 classifiers and modification 127
4.2.4 definiteness effect revisited 131
4.2.5 an account of generic reading133
4.2.6 measure-denoting nominal phrases141
4.3 summary 146
chapter five two types of multiple classifier constructions 149
5.1 omccs 149
5.1.1 pcs in english 149
5.1.2 pcs in chinese 155
5.1.3 more on the structure of pcs 158
5.1.4 licensing conditions of omccs 164
5.2 imccs 168
5.2.1 recapitulation: english as a classifier language 168
5.2.2 imccs in english 170
5.2.3 imccs in chinese 172
5.3 summary 178
chapter six concluding remarks 181
references 185
后记 195 量词的句法研究
