监狱矫正实用英语教程 本书特色
监狱矫正实用英语教程 目录
**章 prisoners罪犯
text a foreign prisonersi
text b the foundations of prisoners'rights
text c ahematives to litigation
第二章the history about correction矫正的历史
text a the early history of correctional thought and practice
text b the age of reason and correctional reform
text c the history of corrections in america
第三章 rationales of corrections矫正的原则
text a the purpose of corrections
text b criminal sanctions
text c evaluation of criminals in accordance with the law
第四章 prison management监狱管理
text a managing the correctional organization
text b goveming prisons
text c discipline of prisoners
第五章 pris0n condition监狱环境
text a the prison condition
text b the way t0 clean out of prison violence
text c values and economy of prisons
第六章 correctional perso~ei矫正人员
text a characteristics of prison officers
text b assignment of work
text c the types of work in the prison
第七章 women inmates and correction妇女与矫正方法
text a issues of women inmates
text b history of women in prison
text c mothers and their children
第八章 juvenile criminals and correction青少年罪犯与矫正
text a the juvenile correctional process
text b problems of juvenile justice
text c the history of juvenile justice
第九章 correction method矫正方法
text a treatment on foreign prisoners
text b educational and vocational programs about treatment
text c psychological programs
第十章 alternatives to imprisonment监禁刑的替代方法
text a administration of probation
text b the history of probation
text c the intermediate sanction
第十一章 the current and future of american correction
text a corrections today and tomorrow
text b personnel and methods
text c changing corrections
监狱矫正实用英语教程 作者简介