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  2020-06-15 00:00:00  

用耳朵听最优美的散文 本书特色


用耳朵听最优美的散文 目录

 flying like a kite 像风筝一样飞翔
 joy in the journey 旅途中的快乐
 attitude is everything 态度决定一切
 calamity 灾难
 dell’s story 戴尔的故事
 storms always give way to the sun 阳光总在风雨后
 the window 窗户
 benefits from occasional stress 从偶尔的压力中受益
 genius 天才
 weakness or strength 弱点还是强项
 we never told him he couldn’t do it 我们从不说他做不到
 there are no such setbacks that we could not
 relish the moment 拥抱此刻的阳光
 catch the star that holds your destiny 抓住生命中的那颗星
 if the dream is big enough 如果梦想足够远大
 shining light in dark corners 光芒照亮黑暗角落
 big rocks 人生的大石头
 the birth of wiffle 洞洞球的诞生
 smile to life 笑对人生
 the road to success 成功之路
 failure is a good thing 失败是件好事
 feed your mind 别让你的脑子挨饿
 don’t quit, keep playing 别停下,继续弹
 old shoes, happy life 旧鞋子也有温暖
 sleeping through the storm 未雨绸缪
 the shadowland of dreams 美梦难圆
 the answer is right there above you 希望就在前方
 dark clouds always in the past 乌云总会过去
 great expectations *高期望值
 the gold in the orchard 果园里的金子
 draw a leaf for life 为生命画一片叶
 twenty dollars 20美元
 the medal of life 生活的奖牌
 mirror, mirror-what do i see? 镜子,镜子,告诉我
 a brother like that 哥哥的心愿
 because of his love 因爱之名
自然之趣 用耳朵听最优美的散文
