BB 2015英音-每天2分钟原声新闻精华-(光盘) 本书特色
1. 每篇新闻配备相应音频的二维码,只需用手机轻轻一扫便可打开音频收听。
2. 每篇新闻都配有同步字幕,只要用支持字幕的播放器,播放随书附带的音频便可显示同步字幕。手机电脑都可以用哦!
3. 附赠音频均为新闻原声,并根据内容相应剪辑,这是冗长的官网原材料所无法媲美的。可谓原汁原味,简短干练,是练就听力的*佳材料。
4. 每篇新闻长度都在2分钟以内,学习无压力。即使一篇新闻听5遍,也不过是10分钟,完全可以在上班、上学路上轻松完成一篇新闻的学习。
5. 每篇新闻都有关于听力技巧、背景知识和语法结构三方面的详尽解析,可以轻松实现英语能力的全方位突破。
6. 每篇新闻都对疑难词汇进行了注解,并标注了四六级,让你有针对性地扩大词汇量,更加有的放矢地练习考级听力。
BB 2015英音-每天2分钟原声新闻精华-(光盘) 内容简介
1. 你听外语时习惯边听边看书吗?
2. 你遇到听不懂的地方是立刻核对书本还是听完后再去核对书本?
3. 你认为精听和泛听是彼此孤立的吗?哪个为主?
4. 你习惯先了解文章大意后再去听还是直接下手去听?
5. 你认为听力中的每个字词都应该听得清清楚楚吗?
BB 2015英音-每天2分钟原声新闻精华-(光盘) 目录
unit 1 社会万象 1.italy’s scientist, rita levi montalcini has passed away 意大利*尖端科学家丽塔·列维·蒙塔尔奇尼去世 2.the remains of the last king of yugoslavia flew home 南斯拉夫*后一位国王追随者回国 3.meteor blast in russian injured about 1000 people 俄罗斯天降陨石雨造成1000多人受伤 4.“sunstone” was found in the ship wreckage in the english channel 英吉利海峡船只废墟中发现“太阳石” 5.diners got sick after eating at noma 丹麦世界*佳餐厅发生食物中毒事件 6.a british horse trainer was disqualified for doping horses 英国一驯马师因使用马兴奋剂被剥夺驯马师资格 7.a woman who was trapped under the collapsed garment factory is recovering in hospital 被困倒塌服装厂下两周多的妇女从医院康复 8.three yong women have been rescued after years of being captive 美国三少女遭囚禁十年后离奇获救 9.carbon dioxide in the atmosphere have reached its highest level 地球大气中二氧化碳水平达历史*高 10.deadly tornado hit oklahoma city 俄克拉荷马城郊遭遇强大龙卷风袭击 11.chinese researchers have found the oldest primate fossil 中国研究人员发现*古老灵长类动物化石 unit 2 环球视野 charity workers in pakistan was killed 巴基斯坦七名慈善工作者遇袭身亡 13.a well-known egyptian television political was being investigated 埃及电视政治讽刺家遭调查 14.french family had been kidnapped in cameroon 法国旅游者在喀麦隆被绑架 15.government of south africa was dissatisfied of defiling killed soldiers 南非牺牲士兵声誉被玷污引政府不满 16.the british prime minister david cameron spoke highly of margaret thatcher 英国首相戴维·卡梅伦高度赞扬撒切尔夫人 17.the us regulator approves boeing 787 dreamliner battery modifications 波音787梦幻客机电池系统获核准 18.the european commission brings in a ban on some pesticides 欧洲委员会颁布几种杀虫剂禁令 19.un deemed responsible for haiti cholera outbreak 海地爆发霍乱,要求联合国赔偿 20.two men hacked a soldier to death on a london street 两名男子在伦敦街头砍杀一名士兵 21.two violent drug gangs commit to zero violence on the streets 两大暴力贩毒团伙承诺街道零犯罪 22.president obama appoints susan rice as national security adviser 奥巴马任命苏珊·赖斯担任国家安全顾问 23.the duchess of cambridge has given birth to a son 英国剑桥公爵夫人诞下王子 24.a train was derailed in northwestern spain 西班牙一列火车在该国西北部出轨 unit 3 法制时空 25.a judge in greece found a group of escaped prisoners innocent 希腊法官裁定一组监狱逃犯无罪 26.the prime minister of pakistan has been arrested on corruption charges 巴基斯坦总理因腐败罪被逮捕 27.the reformation of america’s immigration system 美国对移民制度进行改革 28.airlines should compensate passengers whose flights are canceled even if caused by unexpected events 因意外取消航班,航空公司需赔偿乘客损失 29.the trail of a kenyan presidential candidate would not be delayed 对肯尼亚总统选举人的审判将不会推迟 30.police in south africa have arrested eight officers on suspicion of murdering 南非警方称八名涉嫌谋杀警官已被捕 31.the former british cabinet minister was put in prison for perverting the course of justice 英国前内阁大臣因妨碍司法公正被判入狱 32.eight police officers have been arrested for not trying to stop the murder 青少年被杀,警察未试图阻止被逮捕 33.faulty breast implants trail opens in france 法国对提供劣质隆胸假体一案进行审判 american doctor murdered three babies at an abortion clinic 美国一名医生杀害三名被堕胎婴儿 unit 4 军事安全 35.the rebels have captured a town near bangui, the capital city of central africa 叛军占领中非首都班基附近一处小镇 36.the fierce fighting between the army in mali and the islamic rebels 马里军队与伊斯兰叛军展开激战 37.the first french airstrike 法国发动首次空袭 38.the biggest military success of french and malian forces 法国和马里军队取得巨大进展 39.syrian government claims israeli aircraft have bombed their military research centre 叙利亚称以色列轰炸其军事研究基地 40.explosions in shiite rendezvous, karachi, pakistan 巴基斯坦卡拉奇什叶派聚居地发生炸弹袭击 41.militants have carried out assault in mogadishu, the capital city of somali 武装分子在索马里首都摩加迪沙发动袭击 42.police are searching for suspects of bombing the city’s marathon 波士顿马拉松爆炸案嫌犯锁定 43.bradley manning sta