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  2020-06-15 00:00:00  

国际贸易实务英语 本书特色


国际贸易实务英语 目录

unit 1 an overview of international trade
project i reasons for international trade
module 1 resources reasons
module 2 economic reasons
module 3 other reasons
project ii the international trade policy
module 1 gains from free trade
module 2 reasons for trade protectionism
module 3 different means of protection
case remark

unit 2 international trade terms
project i brief explanations of trade terms
module 1 international trade terms
module 2 international rules & practices on trade terms
project ii contents of trade terms
module 1 an overview of incoterms 2010
module 2 difference between incoterms 2000 and incoterms 2010
module 3 a brief explanation of the terms in incoterms 2010
module 4 clauses commonly used about the trade terms in contracts
project iii expression and choice of trade terms
module 1 expression of trade terms
module 2 choice of trade terms
case remark

unit 3 terms of commodity
project i name of commodity
project ii quality of commodity
module 1 sale by sample
module 2 sale by description
project iii quantity of commodity
module 1 units of measurement
module 2 calculation of weight
module 3 more or less clause
project iv packing of commodity
module 1 functions of packing
module 2 types of packing ,
project v marking of commodity
module 1 shipping marks
module 2 indicative / warning marks
module 3 additional marks
case remark

unit 4 international cargo transportation
project i ocean freight
module 1 major types of cargo vessels
module 2 major modes of ocean vessels
project ii air transport
module 1 characteristics of air transportation
module 2 types of air transportation
project iii other means of international cargo transportation
module 1 road transport
module 2 rail transport
module 3 inland waterway transport
module 4 containerization
module 5 palletization
module 6 pipelines
module 7 international multimodal transport
project iv transportation documents
module 1 bill of lading
module 2 other types of transportation documents
project v clause of shipment in the sales contract
module 1 time of shipment
module 2 port of shipment and port of destination
module 3 shipping advice
module 4 partial shipment and transshipment
case remark

unit 5 international trade payment and settlement
project i payment instruments of international trade
module 1 bill of exchange
module 2 promissory notes
module 3 checks
project ii methods of payment
module 1 remittance
module 2 collection
module 3 letter of credit
case remark

unit 6 international cargo transportation insurance
project i fundamental concepts in international cargo insurance
module 1 parties involved
module 2 some concepts
project ii marine transportation insurance
module 1 risks covered by marine insurance
module 2 losses covered by marine insurance
module 3 expenses incurred for the rescue of insured cargo
module 4 major categories of general insurance coverage
module 5 procedures of marine insurance
case remark

unit 7 inspection & force majeure
project i commodity inspection
module 1 importance of commodity inspection
module 2 inspection agency and certificate
module 3 inspection operation
project ii force majeure
module 1 definition of force majeure
module 2 consequences of force majeure
module 3 force majeure clause
case remark

unit 8 claim & arbitration
project i clai 国际贸易实务英语
