听BBC学英语-英语10倍速增长学习法 内容简介
《听bbc学英语:英语10倍速增长学习法》一书内容丰富,讲解详细,书中每一篇热点新闻都配有bbc 原声音频,发音清晰流畅且现场感强,方便学习者利用闲暇时间随时随地学习,从而迅速提高听力水平。读者们在练习听力的同时还可以模仿原汁原味的语音语调,训练自己的发音,提高口语表达能力。学习地道英语,看这本就够了。
听BBC学英语-英语10倍速增长学习法 目录
01 女性与科技 in the balance women and technology 02 克他命可治疗抑郁症 ketamine “has anti-depressant effect” 03 菲律宾破获网络性勒索案件 cyber sex blackmail victims recorded “in secret” 04 荷兰团队是如何用3d打印造出全尺寸房子的? how is dutch team 3d-printing a full-sized house? 05 作曲家门德尔松“失踪”作品重现 “lost”mendelssohn song re-discovered 06 欧洲歌唱大赛开幕及《安妮日记》被搬上舞台 eurovision 2014 & reporter's diary 07 新闻热点及书信正在消失 hot topics & letter writing is being killed off 08 非盟着手解决非洲童婚问题及其他新闻热点 the child marriage issue in africa & other hot topics 09 卡塔尔被指控2022足球世界杯举办权存在违规行为及其他新闻热点 world cup qatar 2022: platini calls for re-vote if claims true &other hot topics 10 黑客入侵ebay及其他新闻热点 attackers got access to ebay & other hot topics 11 美国众议院通过了限制美国*高间谍机构的法案及其他新闻热点 the us house of representatives has passed a bill limiting the powers of america's spy agencies & other hot topics 12 奥巴马概述美国外交新篇章及其他新闻热点 barack obama: “us has the right to protect its people”& other hot topics 13 马里的图阿雷格叛军同意停火, 举行基达尔会谈及其他新闻热点 mali tuareg rebels agree ceasefire in kidal talks & other hot topics 14 西班牙国王让位 king juan carlos of spain abdicates 15 巴西世界杯一个月后开幕 the brazilian world cup: one month later 16 美国新的排污指标应遵循清洁、廉价的原则 new emissions rules are clean and affordable 17 英国女王赴法国纪念诺曼底登陆70周年 queen “”stirred“” by d-day memorials 18 英国电影学院奖颁布《地心引力》成*大赢家 gravity was the greatest winner in the british academy film awards 19 红杉树因偷猎者砍伐受到威胁 redwood under threat from poachers 20 一生都在赢 a lifetime of winning competitions 21 按时间逗留付款的咖啡店开业 pay-per-minute café opens 22 有孩子的员工因工作时间灵活遭排挤 women workers with children are pushed aside for flexible working time 23 二战大逃亡纪念仪式在波兰举行 “”the great escape“” commemorated in poland 24 歌颂曼德拉的歌剧在南非大剧院开演 opera in honor of mandela was shown in south africa theatre 25 爵士大师托尼·班奈特评论现代音乐很糟糕 singer tony bennett: “modern music is terrible” 26 法国时装泰斗伊夫·圣·洛朗一生被拍成电影 yves saint laurent: fashion on film 27 英国将推出全球*难假冒的一英镑新币 britain will introduce a new type of one-pound coin 28 首位拉丁美洲教皇就职一周年 pope francis marks first year in office 29 配音大师哈尔·道格拉斯逝世,享年89岁 voice of movie trailers hal douglas died aged 89 30 冰封3000年病毒复活 3000-year-old giant virus “come back to life” 31 好莱坞明星的“吸血鬼整容术”等建议 “vampire facelifts” and la's other pre-oscar beauty tips 32 法国电影作曲家再获奥斯卡提名 a french composer was renominated for oscar prize 33 机器人发明者受到动物王国的启发 robot builders inspired by animal kingdom 34 发展中国家禁烟成大难题 smoking ban in developing countries becomes a problem 35 莫克姆湾: 华工拾贝惨案遇难者遗孀 morecambe bay: families left behind by cocklepicker tragedy 36 新仿生手使得截肢者拥有触觉 new bionic hand “allows amputee to feel” 37 联合国要求梵蒂冈立即停止儿童虐待行为 vatican “must immediately remove” child abusers -un 38 萨拉热窝擦鞋匠 “米绍大叔”辞世 uncle miso in sarajevo passed away 39 香港影视大亨邵逸夫逝世 hong kong kung fu film pioneer run run shaw dies 40 变老的好处 the advantages of getting old 41 莫斯科市民回忆英前首相铁娘子撒切尔夫人 muscovites recall the woman known in ussr as the “the iron lady” 42 为什么蓝牙的使用率会持续上升 why bluetooth use is on the rise 43 英国珍稀蝙蝠濒临灭绝 rare bat on brink of uk extinction 44 陈德黄获得英仕曼亚洲文学奖 tan twan eng wins man asian literary prize 45 戛纳电影节开幕电影《摩纳哥王妃》惹争议 grace of monaco slammed at cannes film festival 46 希尔斯堡足球惨案25周年祭 the 25th anniversary of the hillsborough football disaster 47 德国是世界上*受欢迎的国家 bbc poll:germany most popular country in the world 48 30年冤狱死囚无罪释放 freed death row man glenn ford “lost 30 years” 49 尼日利亚未成年女孩被迫出嫁毒死丈夫 nigeria child bride “poisons older husband” 50 拉斯维加斯百万美元象棋大赛 million-dollar chess tournament in las vegas 51 鸟类真的是恐龙进化来的吗? do birds evolve from dinosaurs? 52 乌克兰危机:欧盟和美国考虑对俄进一步制裁