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  2020-06-15 00:00:00  

商务英语教程-经济学和管理学经典定律 本书特色


商务英语教程-经济学和管理学经典定律 目录

unit 1 agglomeration economies
unit 2 arrow's impossibility theorem
unit 3 bandwagon effect
unit 4 black swan theory
unit 5 boiling frog effect
unit 6 broken window effect
unit 7 butterfly effect
unit 8 crowding out effect
unit 9 dunbar's number
unit 10 financial contagion
unit 11 foot-in-the-door technique
unit 12 forer effect
unit 13 freudian slip
unit 14 glass ceiling effect
unit 15 gresham's law
unit 16 halo effect
unit 17 hawthorne effect
unit 18 herd behavior
unit 19 hot-stove rule
unit 20 incubation effect
unit 21 iron law of wages
unit 22 krishna harsh law
unit 23 laffer curve
unit 24 law of diminishing marginal utility
unit 25 lipstick effect
unit 26 long tail theory
unit 27 marginal utility
unit 28 the matthew effect
unit 29 mere-exposure effect
unit 30 murphy's law
unit 31 mushroom management
unit 32 occam s razor
unit 33 okun's law
unit 34 overjustification effect
unit 35 pareto principle
unit 36 parkinson's law
unit 37 peter principle
unit 38 placebo effect
unit 39 pratfall effect
unit 40 primacy effect
unit 41 prospect theory
unit 42 pygmalion effect
unit 43 ratchet effect
unit 44 segal law
unit 45 social loafing
unit 46 spillover effect
unit 47 stanford prison experiment
unit 48 the rule of three
unit 49 tragedy of the commons
unit 50 veblen effect
unit 51 wealth effect
unit 52 weapons effect
unit 53 yerkes-dodson law
unit 54 zeigarnik effect
unit 55 zero-sum game 

商务英语教程-经济学和管理学经典定律 作者简介


