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  2020-06-15 00:00:00  

托福考试阅读特训 本书特色


托福考试阅读特训 内容简介

《托福考试阅读特训》是“托福考试特训系列”图书中针对阅读部分的专项训练,本系列图书共包含听力、口语、阅读和写作特训四本,均严格按照托福考试要求编写。本书共分为8个章节,涵盖8种托福阅读题型,每个章节收录5~6篇文章供考生逐一熟悉各个题型。其中收录的题型包括paraphrase, square sentence insertion, inference, details, words & references, schematic table, prose summary和purpose,帮助考生熟悉托福阅读考试模式,获得充分练习。*后提供两个实战模拟试题,供考生体验真实的考场情境。本书是一本实用、全面、科学的托福阅读备考书籍!   62篇精选文章,题材广泛,全面满足备考需求   特设仿真阅读试题,体验真实考试情境   全书结构编排科学合理,实用性强:   以题型划分章节——8种托福阅读常见题型逐个攻破   每章按sample, passage, practice test体例编写,由浅入深   文章均配参考译文,习题均配答案解析  

托福考试阅读特训 目录

introductionstructures & featureschapter 1 paraphrasesample_snails passage 1_the civil war passage 2_the statue of liberty passage 3_tornadoes passage 4_the first arrival on the moon passage 5_the art of the rococo practice test chapter 2 square sentence insertionsample_computer generated imaging passages 1_fred smith passages 2_the declaration of independence passages 3_marijuana passages 4_super volcanic eruptions passages 5_school readiness practice test chapter 3 inferencesample_the supreme court passages 1_hurricanes passages 2_blood passages 3_genes passages 4_the movie crash passages 5_the threat of the pandemic flu practice test chapter 4 detailssample_world war ii passages 1_eagles passages 2_pluto passages 3_panama canal passages 4_energy passages 5_solving sudoku puzzles practice test chapter 5 words & referencessample_dna fingerprinting passages 1_earthquake passages 2_alamo passages 3_henry ford passages 4_alzheimer’s disease passages 5_kola hole passages 6_emily dickinson practice test chapter 6 schematic tablesample_information gathering passages 1_pollination passages 2_emotional intelligence passages 3_mosquitoes, houseflies and the spread of disease passages 4_language family passages 5_collage artists practice test chapter 7 prose summarysample_cancer passages 1_obesity passages 2_schizophrenia passages 3_grace melvin 236 passages 4_karl marx 240 passages 5_public accountability statement practice test chapter 8 purpose sample_the louisiana purchase passages 1_teenagers passages 2_gaia hypothesis passages 3_the fashion style of the 1990s 270 passages 4_the united states congress passages 5_the play: a streetcar named desire practice test actual testactual test 1 actual test 2 answers

托福考试阅读特训 作者简介

(韩)JI-YEON LEE       南加州大学英语教育学硕士,曾任三星、起亚等优秀企业的TOEIC、TOEFL培训师,洛杉矶州立大学TOEIC、GRE、写作课程讲师,2002世界杯组织委员会外景报道组长,路透社韩国世界杯企划部部长。曾在知名语言学院从事TOEIC、TOEFL在线讲座,编辑、出版过50余本语言学相关教材,现为自由翻译、国际会议主持人,同时经营JI-YEON LEE英语研究所和BOOKCUBE出版社。

