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航运法律专业英语 本书特色

  《航运法律专业英语》内容简介:in order to develop the ' soft environment', we are mitted to cultivating a large quantity of 'triple-learned and triple-crossed' young talents.'triple-learned and triple-crossed' stand for being acquainted with cross-nation, cross-industry (or cross-industrial-sectors ) and cross-theory-practice expertise, law and language (i.e. english ).to help perform the mitment, the author has piled this book, shipping law terminology, on the basis of his 16-year working experience in london and shanghai, to be devoted to his colleagues and friends who intend to participate in the restatement of shanghai' s status as international shipping centre.

航运法律专业英语 内容简介


航运法律专业英语 目录

part 1 introduction
 chapter 1 law and language
  1.1 introduction
  1.2 shipping, law and terminology
  1.2.1 example 1 : bill of lading
  1.2.2 example2: b2b
  1.2.3 example 3 : letter of guarantee
  1.3 extended reading
  1.3.1 latin legal terms
  1.3.2 shipping legal terms and abbreviations
 chapter 2 english law system
  2.1 historical background of modern english legal system
  2.1.11066 and all that
  2.1.2 equity
  2.1.3 the nineteenth century
  2.1.4 the twentieth century
  2.2 development of modern english legal system
  2.2.1 institutions
  2.2.2 sources
  2.3 legal professionals
  2.3.1 barristers and solicitors
  2.3.2 the law officers
  2.4 extended reading
  2.4.1 case study
  2.4.2 english court system
 chapter 3 english law of contract and tort
  3.1 sectors of english law
  3.2 english law of contract
  3.2.1 formation of the contract
  3.2.2 privity of contract
  3.2.3 terms
  3.2.4 exclusion and limitation of liability
  3.2.5 misrepresentation
  3.2.6 duress and undue influence
  3.2.7 discharge of the contract
  3.2.8 remedies
  3.3 english law of tort
  3.3.1 general
  3.3.2 negligence
  3.3.3 sue in contract or tort
  3.4 extended reading
  3.4.1 reading the law
  3.4.2 reading cases
 chapter 4 english procedural law
  4.1 jurisdiction and arbitration
  4.2 english procedure rules
  4.3 english arbitration law
  4.4 extended reading
part 2 traditional maritime affairs
 chapter 5 carriage of goods by sea
  5.1 introduction of bill of lading
  5.2 bill of lading
  5.3 extended reading
  5.3.1 charterer' s bill of lading
  5.3.2 sea waybill
 chapter 6 international conventions related to carriage of goods by sea
  6.1 maritime transportation and international convention
  6.2 the hague and hague/visby rules
  6.2.1 international convention for the unification of certain rules of law relating to bills of lading
  6.2.2 protocol to amend the international convention for the unification of certain rules of law relating to bills of lading
  6.3 extended reading
  6.3.1 the hamburg rules
  6.3.2 the rotterdam rules
 chapter 7 carriage of passengers by sea
  7.1 introduction
  7.2 athens convention 1974
  7.3 extended reading
 chapter 8 towage
  8.1 nature of service
  8.2 bimco towcon
  8.3 extended reading
 chapter 9 voyage chapter party
  9.1 introduction
  9,2 gencon 94
  9.3 extended reading
 chapter 10 time chapter party
  10.1 differences of voyage and time charter party
  10.2 nype 93
  10.3 extended reading
 chapter 11 bareboat chapter party
  11.1 differences between bareboat and other charter parties
  11.2 barecon 2001
  11.3 extended reading
 chapter 12 marine insurance: hull and machinery insurance
  12.1 introduction
  12.2 hull and machinery insurance
  12.2.1 slip policy
  12.2.2 international hull clauses (01/11/03)
  12.3 extended reading: insurance related to ship finance
  12.3.1 mortgagee' s interest insurance (mii)
  12.3.2 innocent owners interest insurance
  12.3.3 reinsurance
 chapter 13 marine insurance: p&i club
  13.1 the occurrence of p&i club
  13.2 p&i club insurance
  13.2.1 standard p&i rules
  13.2.2 fd&d rules
  13.3 extended reading
part 3 innovative maritime affairs
 chapter 14 ship finance: loan agreement
  14.1 the methods of ship finance
  14.2 loan agreement
  14.3 extended reading
 chapter 15 ship finance: security of loan
  15.1 security of ship loan agreement
  15.2 general security
  15.3 extended reading
  15.3.1 corporate guarantee
  15.3.2 pledge of shares
 chapter 16 ship finance: ship finance leasing
  16.1 introduction of ship finance leasing
  16.2 hire and purchase contract
  16.3 extended reading
 chapter 17 newbuilding
  17.1 shipbuilding
  17.2 shipbuilding contract
  17.3 extended reading
  17.3.1 refund guarantee
  17.3.2 payment guarantee
 chapter 18 second—hand ship sale and purchase
  18.1 introduction of moa
  18.2 nsf 1993
  18.3 extended reading
 chapter 19 repairs and refittings
  19.1 differences between new construction contract and ship repair contract
  19.2 ship repair contract
  19.3 extended reading
 chapter 20 freight derivatives
  20.1 baltic exchange
  20.2 forward freight agreement
  20.3 extended reading
part 4 admiralty affairs
 chapter 21 seafarers
  21.1 introduction
  21.2 stcw
  21.2.1 international convention on standards of training, certification and watchkeeping for seafarers, 1978
  21.2.2 the manila amendments
  21.3 extended reading
 chapter 22 navigation and ism
  22.1 introduction of ism
  22.2 ism code
  22.3 extended reading
 chapter 23 collision
  23.1 introduction of collision
  23.2 conventions related to collision
  23.2.11910 international convention for the unification of certain rules of law related to collision between vessels and protocol of signature
  23.2.2 convention on the international regulations for preventing collisions at sea, 1972
  23.3 extended reading
 chapter 24 oil pollution
  24.1 dangerous of oil pollution
  24.2 marpol 73/78
  24.3 extended reading
 chapter 25 salvage
  25.1 development of salvage
  25.2 lof and scopic
  25.2.1 lof2011
  25.2.2 scopic 2007
  25.3 extended reading
 chapter 26 general average
  26.1 development of ga
  26.2 york—antwerp rules 2004
  26.3 extended reading
 chapter 27 limitation of liability
  27.1 limitation of liability
  27.2 conventions related to limitation of liability
  27.2.1 convention on limitation of liability for maritime claims, 1976
  27.2.2 international convention on civil liability for oil pollution damage
  27.2.3 international convention on civil liability for bunker oil pollution damage, 2001
  27.3 extended reading
part 5 miscellaneous
 chapter 28 ship brokerage
  28.1 functions of ship brokers
  28.2 commission agreement
  28.3 extended reading
  28.3.1 commission clauses contained in the charterparty
  28.3.2 fonasba brokers commission contract
 chapter 29 ship agency
  29.1 introduction of ship agency
  29.2 fonasba standard liner and general agency contract
  29.3 extended reading
 chapter 30 ship management
  30.1 introduction of ship management
  30.2 shipman 2009
  30.3 extended reading
  conclusions and look forward
  references 航运法律专业英语
