轻松学英语短语动词 下-画里画外 本书特色
come across as 是什么意思?“全部喝完”该怎么表达?go down 和go down with 有什么不同?hand back 是否及物?
轻松学英语短语动词 下-画里画外 内容简介
· 画里画外都是知识,英语学习惬意轻松!
· “画里画外”系列采用左页知识讲解、右页四格漫画的形式,知识讲解简练易懂,四格漫画轻松幽默。
· 知识讲解不拘泥于刻板形式,以易于读者理解的形式娓娓道来,阅读与学习无负担,日积月累、潜移默化就积累了满满的新知识。
· 为配合精美的漫画,全书采用彩色印刷,力求漫画故事引人入胜,鼓励读者多从漫画故事中体会语言在实际生活中的运用,将知识转化为能力。
· 本系列作者均为英国资深教师和教材编写者,保证了例句和故事语言的准确和实用。
· “画里画外”创造了地道、轻松的语言环境,让学习者在语法、词汇、口语表达等方面得到整体提升。看四格漫画,学地道英语!
轻松学英语短语动词 下-画里画外 目录
目录 1布赖恩开公司 embark on, set up, take on, stock up with 2布赖恩,公司情况怎么样? check on, come along, go up, call back 3布赖恩受挫 go down, pay back, lay off, close down 4布赖恩的境况好转 turn out, carry off, bounce back, pay off 5琳达和贝丝去购物 (1) look for, come along, think about, go with 6琳达和贝丝去购物 (2) bring over, find out, save up, go over 7琳达和贝丝去购物 (3) shop around, sell off, mark down, snap up 8琳达和贝丝去购物 (4) call over, be hidden away, come up to, wrap up 9超市经理萨姆 add up, run out of, call for, send out 10农场主弗兰克 collect up, load up, fill up 11不舒服 go down with, stick out, pick up, tuck in 12皮疹 let in, come out in, be covered in, phone for 13看医生 look over, stay away, pass on, get over 14艾伦医生的健康之道 base on, build up, back up, fight off 15打开,调高,关掉 turn on, turn up, turn off 16 清洁队 (1) make up, do away with, clean up, contend with 17 清洁队 (2) put away, leave out, dust off, sweep up 18 清洁队 (3) mop up, soak up, wipe up, get out 19 清洁队 (4) hose down, scrape off, face up to 20 严重的意外 trip up, fall over, knock out, come round 21 我们什么时候开会? decide on, bring forward, put back, call off 22 联络 (1) ring up, get through, pick up, hang up 23 联络 (2) call back, put through, be snowed under with, meet up 24 联络 (3) watch out for, get away, get down 25 联络 (4) let in on, bowl over, cheer up 26 友善的社区 (1) get along, leave out, drop in on, invite in 27 友善的社区 (2) call on, talk over, stand by, care about 28 沟通的重要性 (1) think up, put over, spell out, come across as 29 沟通的重要性 (2) make out, mix up, work out, clear up 30 小心,向下看,调查 look out, look down, look into, look up 31 acme 超级吸尘器 (1) rely on, break down, stand up to, let down 32 acme 超级吸尘器 (2) burst in, insist on, hear of, see to 33 acme 超级吸尘器 (3) smooth over, live up to, exchange for, want back 34 珍妮特的聚会邀请名单 (1) draw up, put down, add to, add up 35 珍妮特的聚会邀请名单 (2) come to, cut down, leave off, rub out 36 珍妮特的聚会邀请名单 (3) write out, put into, stick on, send off 3 7 珍妮特的聚会邀请名单 (4) come in, turn down, long for 38 窗外的景色 look out on, blot out, clear away, make out 39 一杯热牛奶 warm up, pour out, cool off, drink up 40 萨拉的文章 (1) hand in, think about, divide into, hope for 41 萨拉的文章 (2) hand back, go through, note down, read out 42 搬迁 (1) move out, look back on, live through, conjure up 43 搬迁 (2) take out, take down, take up, strip of 44 搬迁 (3) stack up, move off, wipe away, move on 45 搬迁 (4) move in, settle in, invite over, show around 46 搬迁 (5) usher in, lead to, show off, end up 47 伪装 blend in with, distinguish between, take in, stand out 48 游泳和潜水 dive in, use up, come up, breathe in 49 抢劫 hold up, go off, get away, hem in 50 纪律 put up with, concentrate on, abide by, tell off 51 露西的好主意 come up with, think over, carry on with, go ahead 52 就像照看羊群的牧羊人 stick together, break away from, round up, bring back 53 搭乘地铁 move up, squeeze in, hold on to, let out 54 拼拼图 be scattered about, fit together, fit in, take apart 55 丽塔的化装舞会服装 occur to, make up, see through 56 进来,逼近,冲进 bring in, close in on, give in, rush in 57 伸出,突出,掉出 stick out, jut out, hang out, fall out 58 推倒,弯腰,困扰 push over, bend over, hand over, hang over 59 切碎,混合,加热 chop up, mix up, heat up, serve up 60 难得的好东西 come by, pass by, put away, go by 读故事学短语动词 1 getting started 开始 2 coughs and sneezes 咳嗽和打喷嚏 3 the great fire 大火灾 4 making progress 进展中 5 the sales 大减价 6 elbow grease 费力的工作 7 spring cleaning 春季大扫除 8 seeing the sights 游览旅游景点 9 bad behaviour 不良行为 轻松学英语短语动词 下-画里画外 作者简介
斯蒂芬·柯蒂斯(Stephen Curtis),英国人,资深英语教授,毕业于英国牛津大学,目前是剧作家、自由撰稿人、编辑以及词典专家。