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  2020-06-15 00:00:00  

经贸报刊选读篇-商务英语教程 本书特色


经贸报刊选读篇-商务英语教程 目录

unit 1  the great austerity shell game
unit 2  joining the 500 club
unit 3  the home buying process for first time buyers
unit 4  china prepares to liberalise finance as hedge funds and estate agents salivate
unit 5  does uk need to restrict credit to avoid more boom and bust?
unit 6  promoting trade in all possible ways
unit 7  managing global millennials: put your stereotypes aside
unit 8  youtube triggers comments debate as it alters policy
unit 9  the best time to buy this year
unit 10  why bluetooth use is on the rise
unit 11  davos faces up to weak growth and rising inequality
unit 12  did obama lie about healthcare reform or just omit a cmcial detail?
unit 13  the housing dilemma
unit 14  how big data is changing the cost of insurance
unit 15  online auctions: how to get the best deals
unit 16  fear fades as stocks rally
unit 17  real economy faces real challenges
unit 18  more investment, more woes?
unit 19  online shopping gala sets records
unit 20  china is reaching its tipping point
unit 21  make-r-yourself: the rise of the micro-manufacturers
unit 22  a lesson from germany: what lies behind its manufacturing success
unit 23  uk looks ill-prepared if a global currency war breaks out
unit 24  2013 has been another horrible year for hedge funds
unit 25  bitcoin: the future of money or flash in the pan?
unit 26  charter takes rejected time warner cable bid to investors
unit 27  growth-stock investing: lessons from the pros
unit 28  what can we learn from the depression?
unit 29  silk road resurrection
unit 30  why the i% should pay tax at 80%
unit 31  an economic boost
unit 32  china can't be a global innovation leader unless it does these
unit 33  unthinkable? five radical ways to stop the economic slump
unit 34  how gadget accessory-makers must battle for orders
unit 35  hydrogen: the car fuel of the future?
unit 36  investors look to japan after decades in the doldrums
unit 37  make the most of a polarizing brand
unit 38  post-crash economics: some common fallacies about austerity
unit 39  sowing the seeds of sustained growth
unit 40  the coming changes
unit 41  the solution that cannot be named
unit 42  time to reduce dollar's hold
unit 43  why printing money is a fool's paradise
unit 44  why the world's technology giants are investing in africa
unit 45  why this earnings season is so critical for stocks
unit 46  ways mutual fund investing is different now
unit 47  swiss divided as 1 : 12 executive pay referendum nears
unit 48  china trade forecast report-hsbc global connections
unit 49  deflation fears stalk eurozone as spain reports fall in prices
unit 50  how do game companies share massive files?

经贸报刊选读篇-商务英语教程 作者简介


