新世纪英语新闻阅读-(第4册) 本书特色
新世纪英语新闻阅读-(第4册) 目录
part i hot news unit 1 xi jinping's chinese dream unit 2 report 1 china’s latest“sacred”manned space mission blasts off report 2 chinese spacecraft blasts off with 3 astronauts report 3 beijing we have a space program unit 3 violation of trust:a sex scandal at the bbc tarnishes the broadcaster unit 4 decades of discovery:mars and beyond space travel at 140 characters unit 5 report 1 a war he doesn’t want report 2 russia’s syria endgame part ii economy and education unit 6 china's new backyard unit 7 into africa unit 8 the slow boat from china unit 9 relax it’s only a test part ⅲ science,hygience and biography unit 10 mommy am i really bipolar? unit 11 report 1 the star of yahoo earnings:alibaba report 2 the ebay of the east:inside taobao,china’s online marketplace unit 12 report 1 google glass a hit with early adopters report 2 breaking through best way for small biz to grow? tech, tech, tech unit 13 report 1 nokia's handset business bought by microsoft for □5.44bn report 2 why nokia lost, and samsung won unit 14 the cult of apple in china unit 15 ronnie's friend maggie part iv politics, finance, and global cooperation unit 16 the wrong lesson from detroit's bankruptcy unit 17 the future of oi1: yesterday's fuel unit 18 the road to war part v social problem, culture and other news unit 19 in gun debate, it's urban vs. rural unit 20 breaking the cycle of poverty: how milk can help unit 21 islamists rebuffed bombing suspect in russia unit 22 failing deficit ahers debate