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SHIFTING SELVES IN MIGRATION-移民过程中变化的自我:家.健康和社区养老-(英文版)

  2020-06-15 00:00:00  

SHIFTING SELVES IN MIGRATION-移民过程中变化的自我:家.健康和社区养老-(英文版) 本书特色


SHIFTING SELVES IN MIGRATION-移民过程中变化的自我:家.健康和社区养老-(英文版) 目录

1 introduction
book overview: orientation towards the self
international and national population ageing 
chinese people and ageing in new zealand
policy responses to ageing and ethnic issues in newzealand 
2 theoretical orientation: symbolic
interactionism and the self
basic tenets of symbolic interactionism
the self and identities 
the cobweb chinese self
self and acculturation
social and ethnic identities
tying strands into a richer understanding of the self
3 literature review: filial piety and ageing in
filial piety 
ageing in place 
putting ideas expressed in this chapter into action
4 methodology
the narrative approach 
chinese narratives and the episodic interview
fangtan: a chinese narrative interview technique
research processes 
quality of narrative data
5 home making in a new land
biographical disruption and status-discrepancy 
responding to biographical disruption through gardening
responding to status-discrepancy through art-making 
relational dimensions of domestic space attachments 
6 material-mediated acculturation
observational acculturation 
familial acculturation 
participatory acculturation 
chinese media acculturation 
religious and spiritual acculturation 
7 changing practices of filial piety
living arrangements 
support to parents 
respecting parents 
children's achievements 
ancestral worship 
gender norms 
8 positive ageing in a new place
affordable and stable public housing 
building safe neighbourhoods
engaging in local communities
hybridised transnational communities
spaces for care
9 discussion
integrating key findings
a culturally patterned narrative approach
policy implications 

SHIFTING SELVES IN MIGRATION-移民过程中变化的自我:家.健康和社区养老-(英文版) 节选


SHIFTING SELVES IN MIGRATION-移民过程中变化的自我:家.健康和社区养老-(英文版)
