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  2020-06-15 00:00:00  

趣味英语听说-(含光盘) 本书特色

  李艳玲编著的《趣味英语听说(附光盘)》是依据大学英语教学大纲要求,结合理工科大学生的特点,按有效学习策略而精心编写的。全书共5章,每章8个单元,遵循由易到难、由浅入深的原则,从简单的幽默故事,过渡到与大学生日常生活紧密相关的热门话题,*后到较为抽象并有一定深度的科技话题。本书集趣味性、时代性、信息性和前瞻性为一体,题型丰富,形式多样,寓学于乐,可有效提高英语学习者的听说能力。   《趣味英语听说(附光盘)》可作为非英语专业大学本科生的英语听说教材,也可供高中以上有一定基础的英语爱好者自学。

趣味英语听说-(含光盘) 内容简介


趣味英语听说-(含光盘) 目录

chapter one human touch
unit 1 feeling
unit 2 pets and dogs
unit 3 do you really want it?
unit 4 over the moon
unit 5 smell
unit 6 pain
unit 7 the story of father's day
unit 8 thoughts on love and happiness
chapter two leisure stories
unit 1 asking for trouble
unit 2 it's only me
unit 3 the last one?
unit 4 the dead return
unit 5 persistent
unit 6 the record-holder
unit 7 flying cats
unit 8 a very dear cat
chapter three word stories
unit i green expressions
unit 2 color expressions
unit 3 dog talks
unit 4 money talks
unit 5 where there is a will
there is a way!
unit 6 fireworks
unit 7 hot
unit 8 computer terms
chapter four campus news
unit 1 mind the gap year
unit 2 to ban, or not to ban?
unit 3 influential clubs
unit 4 females prefer to go dutch
unit 5 sports are losing appeal
unit 6 cheating scandal threatens
harvard's image
unit 7 twins lead the way
unit 8 eat-up campaign
chapter five technology: blessing or cursing
unit 1 titanic:experts analyze 3d
unit 2 mobile phones
unit 3 cloning pets
unit 4 getting plastic surgery
unit 5 they communicate and
have fun on the internet
unit 6 genetically engineered foods
unit 7 driving with gps can be
difficult to navigate
unit 8 a school system in maine gives
ipads to kindergartners
appendix 1 script
appendix 2 keys to listening exercises
appendix 3 phonetics & intonation

