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  2020-06-15 00:00:00  

汉语语法指南 本书特色

  《汉语语法指南a chinese grammar for english speakers(英文版)》是一部视角独特的汉语语法工具书,适合以英语为母语的汉语学习者查阅使用,也可供对外汉语教学者参考备用。全书主体分词类、句子成分、特殊句型、句类、时态、标点符号6个部分,各部分相互独立,又有所照应。每部分设有基本介绍和若干小章节,点面结合,力求全面展示汉语语法,语言平易,条理清晰,例句翔实。附录概要性地介绍了汉字、构词法和汉语语音,使得汉语学习更为立体、饱满。英语国家开设汉语课程的大学或学院亦可将本书作为教材使用。

汉语语法指南 内容简介

  《汉语语法指南a chinese grammar for english speakers(英文版)》立足于英汉两种语言的语法对比,同时将语言纳入到一个更为广阔的文化范畴内,使得语法学习不再那么枯燥乏味,反而变得亲切可人。由于视角的变化,这本书对传统的汉语语法体系也有所突破,一些内容的设计打破了惯常的汉语语法分类,有针对性地贴合英语语法,让人耳目一新,而对那些以英语为母语的汉语学习者来说,这也意味着更实用、更好用。

汉语语法指南 目录

foreword preface
part one: parts of speech
part one introduction
chapter 1 nouns
chapter 2 pronouns
chapter 3 verbs
chapter 4 auxiliary verbs
chapter 5 adjectives
chapter 6 adverbs
chapter 7 numerals
chapter 8 measure words
chapter 9 prepositions
chapter 10 conjunctions
part two: parts of sentence
part two introduction
chapter 11 subject, verb, and object
chapter 12 attributives
chapter 13 adverbials
chapter 14 complements
part three: special sentence patterns
part three introduction
chapter 15 verbless predicates
chapter 16 emphatic constructions
chapter 17 copular sentences
chapter 18 the bǎ construction
chapter 19 the bèi sentence
chapter 20 existential sentences
chapter 21 comparisons
chapter 22 pivotal sentences
part four: sentence types
part four introduction chapter
23 interrogative sentences chapter
24 imperative sentences
chapter 25 exclamatory sentences
part five: time and aspects
part five introduction
chapter 26 present, past, and future
chapter 27 the perfective aspect
chapter 28 the transformative aspect
chapter 29 the experiential aspect
chapter 30 the progressive aspect
chapter 31 the durative aspect
part six: punctuation marks
part six introduction
chapter 32 commas
chapter 33 separation marks
chapter 34 indication marks
appendix i characters and words
appendix ii chinese radicals
appendix iii chinese phonetic transcription
bibliography index

汉语语法指南 节选

《汉语语法指南A Chinese Grammar for English Speakers(英文版)》立足于英汉两种语言的语法对比,同时将语言纳入到一个更为广阔的文化范畴内,使得语法学习不再那么枯燥乏味,反而变得亲切可人。由于视角的变化,这本书对传统的汉语语法体系也有所突破,一些内容的设计打破了惯常的汉语语法分类,有针对性地贴合英语语法,让人耳目一新,而对那些以英语为母语的汉语学习者来说,这也意味着更实用、更好用。

汉语语法指南 作者简介


