学术英语写作教程 本书特色
学术英语写作教程 目录
chapter 1 writing an essay in the academic style
1. 1 introduction
1.2 academic essay structure
1.3 academic language features
1.4 conclusion
chapter 2 reference writing
2.1 overview of the reference styles
2.2 introduction of harvard agps referencing style
2.3 consolidation and application
2.4 conclusion
chapter 3 sentence writing
3.1 introduction
3.2 sentence structure
3.3 sentence problems
3.4 conclusion
chapter 4 paragraph writing
4.1 structure of a paragraph
4.2 writing a topic sentence
4.3 writing supporting sentence(s)
4.4 writing a concluding sentence
chapter 5 essay writing
list of references