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  2020-06-15 00:00:00  

旅游英语口语大全 本书特色


旅游英语口语大全 目录

chapter 1  departure 旅行出发
unit 1  in a travel agency   在旅行社 /
unit 2  applying a visa 办理签证 /
unit 3  booking tickets 预订机票 /
unit 4  changing foreign currency 兑换外币 /
unit 5  going through customs 通过海关 /
unit 6  at the airport 在机场 /
unit 7  on the plane 在飞机上 /
unit 8  chatting during the journey 旅途闲聊 /
chapter 2  accommodation 住宿
unit 1  reserving a room 预订房间 /
unit 2  registering 登记住宿 /
unit 3  arranging the luggage 安置行李 /
unit 4  tidying the room 整理房间 /
unit 5  laundry service 洗衣服务 /
unit 6  losing luggage in the hotel丢失物品 /
unit 7  lodging a complaint at a hotel 宾馆投诉 /
unit 8  checking out at a hotel 结账退房 /
chapter 3  enjoying meals 享用美食
unit 1  booking a table 预订餐桌 /
unit 2  taking a seat 入座 /
unit 3  having chinese food 吃中餐 /
unit 4  having western food 吃西餐 /
unit 5  sending a wrong dish 送错了餐 /
unit 6  asking service during a meal 席间服务 /
unit 7  complaining about the service 抱怨服务 /
unit 8  paying the bill 结账 /
chapter 4  transportation 交通
unit 1  taking a bus 乘公交车 /
unit 2  taking a taxi 乘出租车 /
unit 3  taking a  subway 乘地铁 /
unit 4  driving a car 自驾车 /
unit 5  taking a train 乘火车 /
unit 6  taking a ship 乘船 /
unit 7  renting a car 租车 /
unit 8  taking a coach 乘长途汽车 /
chapter 5  sightseeing 旅游观光
unit 1  natural scenery of china 中国自然风光 /
unit 2  sights in chinese cities 中国城市景观 /
unit 3  chinese customs 中国风俗 /
unit 4  a trip in africa 非洲之旅 /
unit 5  a trip in europe 欧洲之旅 /
unit 6  a trip in america 美洲之旅 /
unit 7  a trip in oceania 大洋洲之旅  /
unit 8  western customs 西方习俗 /
chapter 6  asking for help 寻求帮助
unit 1  asking someone for taking pictures 请人拍照 /
unit 2  asking for directions 问路 /
unit 3  language barriers 语言障碍 /
unit 4  asking a favor of police 求助警察 /
unit 5  calling for help in an emergency 紧急求救 /
unit 6  seeing a doctor 生病就医 /
unit 7  lost and stolen 丢失与遭盗 /
unit 8  traffic accident 车祸 /
chapter 7  shopping during the tour 旅途购物
unit 1  purchasing arts and crafts 购买工艺美术品 /
unit 2  purchasing specialities 购买特产 /
unit 3  purchasing clothes 购买服装 /
unit 4  purchasing toys 购买玩具 /
unit 5  purchasing cosmetics 购买化妆品 /
unit 6  purchasing jewels and ornaments购买珠宝和饰品 /
unit 7  paying the bill 结账付款 /
unit 8  refund or exchange 退款或退换 /

