白领必读的职场英语秘技 本书特色
《白领必读的职场英语秘技》由李明主编,是一 本专为上班一族以及将踏入职场的大学生量身定做的 英语晨读读物,全书从实用励志的角度精选经典英文 80篇,侧重白领职业发展和个人能力的提升。《白领 必读的职场英语秘技》内容包括:职业规划、个人品 质修养、求职面试、同事相处、上司沟通、职场礼仪 、职场禁忌、职场宝典、创业知识等。使读者晨读后 以饱满的热情投入即将开始的新一天。
白领必读的职场英语秘技 目录
前言 规划你的人生 1. to discover your life's purpose in 10 minutes 10分钟内发现你的人生目标 2. to pick the right career 如何选择适合自己的职业 3. how to choose a career path 如何选择职业道路 4. to be an expert freelancer 成为自由职业者专家 5. three paths in the life 人生中的三条道路 6. to build a professional vision 建立职业远景 7. career goals in different ages 不同年龄段的职业目标 8. tips for successful career growth 关于职业发展的10条建议 个人品质与修养 1. try to complain less 尽量少抱怨 2. develop hearty habits 养成好习惯 3. to be master ofmy emotions 学会控制情绪 4. to be more successful 变得更加成功 5. 7 habits that you do best to avoid *好避免的7种习惯 6. courage is a gift 勇气是一种才能 7. cultivate your own mind garden 耕作自己的心园 8. attitude is everything 态度决定一切 踏入职场敲门砖 1. job hunting during the recession 金融危机里的求职妙招 2. top 10 qualities and skills employers seek 雇主寻求的十大素质与技能 3. pre-interview preparation 面试前的准备 4. the 6 leading causes of your resume ignored 简历石沉大海的六大原因 5. to seize the 10 minutes before the interview 把握面试的前十分钟 6. focusing on the details of your job search 重视求职中的细节 7. 1 0 tough interview questions 面试中的十个刁钻问题 8. explain the reason skillfully for leaving 巧妙解释离职的原因 办公室里好人缘 1. how to establish good office popularity 如何建立良好的办公室人缘 2. seven tips help to work with the annoying person 7招帮你与烦人家伙共事 3. how to gain respect in the workplace 如何在职场上赢得尊重 4. friendship reveal in the workplace 揭秘职场友谊 5. how to handle unharmonious colleagueship 如何处理不融洽的同事关系 6. how to avoid annoying people 如何避开讨厌的人 7. 7 unwritten rules of office friendships 办公室友谊7条不成文法则 8. getting on with your workmates could help you live longer 和同事和睦相处有助长寿 赢得上司的信任 1. how to handle a difficult boss 如何对付难相处的老板 2. to negotiate a better raise 如何要求加薪 3. 20 ways to impress the boss 二十种方法助你给老板留下深刻印象 4. wrong ways to suck up 拍马屁的错误方式 5. manage up for an effective boss relationship与老板搞好关系 6. how to manipulate your boss 如何掌控你的上司 7. how to say no to your boss 如何向你的老板说“不” 8. 7 most effective skills to kiss ass 7招*有效的拍马屁技巧 得体大方有礼仪 1. dress code in workplace 职场着装礼仪 2. handshake etiquette 握手的礼仪 3. office party etiquette 公司聚会礼仪 4. clients reception etiquette 接待客户的礼仪 5. 7 tips for professional etiquette 职场7项礼仪小贴士 6. etiquettes for e-mail 电子邮件礼仪 7. 10 etiquettes in workplace 10条职场礼仪 8. thanks etiquettes in workplace 职场道谢礼仪 不要踩的职场雷区 1. things never shared in the o伍ce 不该在职场分享的事 2. 10 fatal career poisons 10种职场弊病 3. four workplace personalities 四种令人生厌的职场个性 4. 10 reasons for not complaining constantly 不要抱怨的十个理由 5. things can not be talked at work 职场不该提及的事 6. what not to do when as~ng for a raise 要求加薪时不能做的事 7. the bad excuses for being late for work 迟到的糟糕借口 8. things can not be done in the dinner with your bos