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  2020-06-15 00:00:00  

30天突破面试英语口语-(含1CD) 内容简介


30天突破面试英语口语-(含1CD) 目录

day 01 开始及结束对话
starting and ending a conversation 
day 02 提供个人信息
providing personal information  
day 03 家庭状况
family status  
day 04 介绍教育背景
introducing education background 
day 05 介绍自己的专长和技能
introducing one’s expertise and skills 
day 06 关于语言能力
about language ability 
day 07 介绍工作经历
introducing the work experience 
day 08 关于品质与个性
about quality and character 
day 09 说明实践成果
explaining practical results 
day 10 说明爱好和兴趣
explaining hobbies and interests  
day 11 介绍个人追求
introducing individual pursuit
day 12 关于应聘原因
about reasons for application 
day 13 询问工作细节
asking work details 
day 14 询问薪酬期望
asking salary expectations 
day 15 节假日与福利
holidays and welfare 
day 16 应聘秘书
applying for a position as a 
day 17 应聘空姐
applying for a position as a 
day 18 应聘销售人员
applying for a position as a 
day 19 应聘新闻记者
applying for a position as 
a journalist 
day 20 应聘会计
applying for a position as an 
day 21 应聘银行职员
applying for a position as a 
bank clerk 
day 22 应聘外贸人员
applying for a position in foreign trade 
day 23 应聘翻译或口译人员
applying for a position as a 
translator or a interpreter 
day 24 应聘办公职员
applying for a position as an 
office clerk 
day 25 应聘管理人员
applying for a position as a 
managerial staff member  
day 26 应聘律师
applying for a position as a 
day 27 应聘工程师
applying for a position as an engineer 
day 28 应聘导游
applying for a position as a tourist guide  
day 29 应聘护士
applying for a position as a nurse
day 30 应聘司机
applying for a position as a driver  
