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  2020-06-15 00:00:00  

航空服务业英语看这本就够 本书特色

key words
key sentences
situation dialogues

航空服务业英语看这本就够 内容简介


航空服务业英语看这本就够 目录

part 1 preparation before departure 去机场前的准备
unit 1 purchasing tickets 购买机票 .......................................................002
unit 2 confirming and rescheduling a flight 确认及更改航班 ............018
part 2 at the airport 在机场
unit 3 inquiries at the airport 机场问询 ................................................034
unit 4 check-in and dealing with luggage 换登机牌与行李托运 ...........050
unit 5 transiting and transferring services 过境与转机服务 ...............066
unit 6 having meals and shopping in the airport 机场用餐与购物 .....076
unit 7 security check 安检 ....................................................................097
unit 8 boarding 登机 ..............................................................................108
unit 9 delay 航班晚点 ...........................................................................116
part 3 on the plane 在飞机上
unit 10 before and after taking off 起飞前后 .......................................134
unit 11 other services on the plane 要求机上服务 ...............................146
unit 12 filling in an entry card and customs declaration
入境卡和海关申报单的填写 ....................................................157
unit 13 before landing 抵达目的地前 ..................................................172
part 4 arrival 到达目的地
unit 14 customs and immigration 办理入境手续 .................................190
unit 15 claiming the luggage 提取行李 ...............................................203
unit 16 lost baggage 丢失行李 .............................................................215
unit 17 airport tax refund 机场退税 ....................................................227
unit 18 through the customs 通过海关 ................................................244
unit 19 tourism information and transport
旅游信息及交通 ........................................................................258
unit 20 missing certificates 证件丢失 ...................................................276

航空服务业英语看这本就够 节选

Key Words脱贫词库帮你归类常用的航空英语单词Key Sentences黄金语句为你打造强大的英语会话补给站Situation Dialogues全程实境演练让你自然而然掌握航空英语对话

航空服务业英语看这本就够 作者简介


