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  2020-06-15 00:00:00  

英语高级口译证书考试高级阅读教程-第四版 内容简介


英语高级口译证书考试高级阅读教程-第四版 目录

part one society lesson 1 reading a the great awakening reading b the next american century lesson 2 reading a life behind the prison looking glass reading b the twilight of the elites lesson 3 reading a social security: is there really a crisis? reading b must try harder lesson 4 reading a who says a woman can't be einstein? reading b taming wild girls lesson 5 reading a stop thinking that all religions are essentially thesame reading b putting god back into american history reading c politicians should serve you, not wealthycontributorspart two science & technology lesson 6 reading a blingtronics reading b the power of us lesson 7 reading a grand theft identity reading b toy soldiers lesson 8 reading a the maverick god of small things reading b buzz off, harry -- britain needs reinventing reading c changing channels lesson 9 reading a nature is the model factory reading b quantum money: note perfectpart three adolescence & education lesson 10 reading a to get good teachers and doctors, measure thembetter reading b cook the books lesson 11 reading a the importance of resilience reading b you don't scare me, 007 -- i'm a killer too reading c how a jury of teens may put a new spin on juvenilejusticepart four mind & health lesson 12 reading a ignorance is bliss reading b choice words on having too much choice lesson 13 reading a eat less, live longer? reading b when i stopped thinking, i wrote illness out of my life lesson 14 reading a who has designs on your students' minds? reading b water, air, fire, earth: the original fab fourpart five business & economy lesson 15 reading a us red ink = america's global weakness reading b the first world debt crisis only serves to hastenthe shift of power to the east reading c a biotech battle royal: rivals laying siege toamgen's near monopoly in anemia drugs lesson 16 reading a tagged, and ready for bed reading b upstart statespart six reading tests 英语高级口译考试阅读测试概要 英语高级口译考试阅读测试题 test one section 2 section 5 test two section 2 section 5 test three section 2 section 5 test four section 2 section 5 英语高级口译考试阅读测试题参考答案 英语高级口译证书考试高级阅读教程-第四版
