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  2020-06-15 00:00:00  

变局与突破-破解中国经济转型-英文版 内容简介

  during the second decade of the 21st century,china has entered a new historic stage in its economic development that brings with it new strategic opportunities. after experiencing thirty years of rapid economic expansion, china then successfully weathered the recent global financial and economic crisis. its economy is now stepping into a new growth stage as the overall global economy remains fluid and complex. why has china been able to adjust successfully to this rapidly changing environment? and what will its economic reforms and transformation lead to in the future? here, in this book, you will find the answers.

变局与突破-破解中国经济转型-英文版 目录

mode of development
top-level designs are needed for reform
the chinese economy: transforming in development
from a large economy to a great economic power
how will china carry out its economic transition in the future
china's economic transformation in the post-bubble economy

market economy
expanding domestic demand
china's reform still has great potential
china has great market potential
active and steady promotion of urbanization

real economy
consolidating the real economy

变局与突破-破解中国经济转型-英文版 相关资料

  the transformation of the pattern of economic development is the cardinal line in the 12th five-year plan (2011-2015) and reform is the powerful engine for accelerating that change.   ——wu jinglian economist;member of standing committee and vice director of economic commission of the cppcc national committee      china's domestic demand will be expanded mainly through expanding private consumption and strengthening its role in driving economic growth.   ——li yining economist;honorary president of guanghua school of management peking university;member of standing committee and vice director of economic commission of the cppcc national committee      china has great potential in at least five aspects, namely income distribution, finance, science and technology, and urban, rural and land management system. if its potential in these areas can be fully released, china's economy will be able to grow at a relatively fast rate for at least the next 30 years.   ——zheng xinli executive vice chairman of china center for international economic exchanges,formerly vice dean of the policy research office of the cpc central committee      the real economy is the foundation of financial development and social stability. a nation may prosper when its economic entities develop.   ——gu shengzu member of the npc standing committee;vice chairman of the npc internal affairs judicial committee      china's economic reform is far from over and still has a lot of potential to create further economic growth opportunities.   ——fan gang professor,peking university;professor,graduate school of chinese academy of social sciences;vice president,chinese economic reform association      the chinese government has shown foresight and restraint in responding to the painful adjustments in manufacturing and construction that are occurring as a result of slower growth and rising production costs.   ——pieter bottelier senior adjunct professor of china studies at the school of advanced international studies(sais)at johns hopking university

