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  2020-06-16 00:00:00  

生物专业英语 内容简介

    本教材为各章节编排了丰富的习题。有为提高学生对专业英语词汇准确理解而设置的“matching”练习,也有为提高学生专业英语的阅读能力而设置的“trueorfalse”和“reading comprehension”练习,有为提高学生专业英语翻译水平而设置的“translationfromenglish to chinese”练习,也有为提高学生专业英语写作能力而设置的“tmnslation from chinese toenglish”练习。

生物专业英语 目录

chapter 1 introduction to biology
 1.1 what is biology?
 1.2 the origin of life
 1.3 the significance of biology in your life
 1.4 the history of biology——additional reading
chapter 2 microbiology
 2.1 the scope and relevance of microbiology
 2.2 the future of microbiology
 2.3 prokaryotes, eukaryotic microbes and viruses
 2.4 extreme microbes——additional reading
chapter 3 cellular biology
 3.1 the discovery of cells
 3.2 basic properties of cells
 3.3 the concepts in mammalian cell culture——additional reading
chapter 4 botany——plant biology 生物专业英语
