哲理韵味-英语故事会-(附MP3光盘) 内容简介
哲理韵味-英语故事会-(附MP3光盘) 目录
**章 另眼看世界
1.通往广场的路不止一条more than 0ne way to the square
2.番茄改变了我transformed by tomatoes
3.当女儿发脾气the tantrum
4.你能得多少分?how many points would you score?
5.我们究竟有多穷how poor we really are
6.洒出阳光,百倍反射story for the asking
7.快乐是一种选择louder than anything you can say
8.掀开面纱lifting the veil
9.透明之美the beauty of clear
10.塞翁失马,焉知非福broken eggs and shattered glass
11.修剪人生bearing fruit
12.孤岛上的故事the only survivor
第二章 生命*强音
1.苔花如米小,也学牡丹开all flowers are beautiful
2.断弦之音playing a violin with three strings
3.奇迹的代价price of a miracle
4.力量杆之顶the ultimate power pole
5.我能所以我行follow your dream
6.真正的勇气what courage looks like?
7.重返艳阳下tour de lance
8.梦想总有成真时never too late to be