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Blue Helmets from China

  2020-06-16 00:00:00  

Blue Helmets from China 本书特色

《蓝盔下的中国面孔(英文版)》:As you read the stories of some of China's peacekeepers, you will be taken to lands where the flames of war are still raging, into sudden chaos and conflict, to areas of dangerous landmines and to the disaster relief in Haiti. These peacekeepers have pledged to never abandon their posts in the face of hardship and difficulties, with their resolve never wavering while dedicating the kall to peacekeeping.

Blue Helmets from China 节选

《蓝盔下的中国面孔(英文版)》内容简介:Chinese peacekeepers, sporting blue helmets and Five-star Red Flag emblems, have served in Liberia, Lebanon, the Sudan, Congo and Haiti, where they have won a strong, favorable reputation in the international community and in all the UN mission areas. As Chinese soldiers, they have fulfilled their pledges to safeguard peace and carry out their duties with dedication and energy.The scale of China's participation in UN operations from sending military observers, to deploying peacekeeping forces and engineers-has progressively expanded.Chinese personnel are now also engaged in medical care, transportation and other logistical support work, covering almost all major aspects of UN peacekeeping operations. In this new century, China considers playing an important role in safeguarding world peace and promoting common development as important duties for its armed forces in their new development phase.

Blue Helmets from China
