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  2020-06-16 00:00:00  

语法学习与教学 内容简介

rod ellis是世界知名语言学家。先后在全球多所大学任教,四十多年来一直致力于英语教学和研究。尤其在二语习得领域成就斐然。本书汇集了作者自1982年至2006年问在探讨语法学习与教学方面撰写的精华篇章。尤其展现了作者在研究如何将语法教学与语法学习进行有机结合方面取得的丰硕成果,对国内外广大英语教师的教学研究与实践必有裨益。

语法学习与教学 目录

sectiona introduction
chapter 1 a professional life: teacher, teacher educator and researcher
sectionb researchinginstructed grammarlearning
chapter 2 can syntax be taught? a study of the effects of formalinstruction on the acquisition of wh questions by children
chapter 3 are classroom and naturalistic acquisition the same? a study of the classroom acquisition of german word order rules
chapter 4 focused communication tasks and second language acquisition
chapter 5 does form-focused instruction affect the acquisition of implicit knowledge? a review of the research
chapter 6 focusing on form in the communicative classroom
chapter 7 the differential effects of corrective feedback on two grammatical structures
chapter 8 researching the effects of form-focused instruction on l2 acquisition
sectionc teaching grammar
sectiond conclusion 语法学习与教学
