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  2020-06-16 00:00:00  

高级英语教师用书-第一册-修订本-重排版 本书特色


高级英语教师用书-第一册-修订本-重排版 内容简介


高级英语教师用书-第一册-修订本-重排版 目录

lesson 1 the middle eastern bazaar
lesson 2 hiroshima--the"liveliest" city in japan.
lesson 3 ships in the desert
lesson 4 everyday use
lesson 5 speech on hitler's invasion of the u.s.s.r.
lesson 6 blackmail
lesson 7 the age of miracle chips
lesson 8 an interactive life barbarakantrowitzancijoshuacrarno
lesson 9 mark twain--mirror of america
lesson 10 the trial that rocked the world
lesson 11 but what's a dictionary for?
lesson 12 the loons
lesson 13 britannia rues the waves
lesson 14 argentia bay
lesson 15 no signposts in the sea

高级英语教师用书-第一册-修订本-重排版 节选

《高级英语(修订本)(第1册)(重排版)(教师用书)》包括了Lesson 1 The Middle Eastern Bazaar、Lesson 2 Hiroshima——the "Liveliest" City in Japan、Lesson 3 Ships in the Desert、Lesson 4 Everyday Use、Lesson 5 Speech on Hitler's Invasion of the U.S.S.R、Lesson 7 The Age of Miracle Chips、Lesson 8 An Interactive Life-.、Lesson 9 Mark Twain——Mirror of America、Lesson 10 The Trial That Rocked the World、Lesson 11 But What's a Dictionary For?

