机械工程专业英语 本书特色
机械工程专业英语 目录
Part I ScienceLesson l Forces Have both Magnitude and DirectionLesson 2 RobotsLesson 3 CAD's BenefitsLesson 4 Water as a Cutting ToolLesson 5 Multimedia in Our Time(I)Part II FoundationLesson 6 Tolerances and FitsLesson 7 Couplings,Keys,Shafts and SpringsLesson 8 Annealing and Normalizing of Plain Carbon SteelsLesson 9 Soldering and BrazingLesson 10 Sand CastingPart Ill SpecialityLesson 1 l LatheLesson 12 Hydraulic Systems ofMachine ToolsLesson 13 Types ofControl DevicesLesson 14 Numerical Control ProgrammeLesson 1 5 Jig TypesLesson 16 HTMl25600 Turning and Milling CenterLesson 17 ComputerAided ManufacturingLesson 1 8 Computer Integrated Manufacturing SystemLesson 1 9 Introdution to Electromechanical Products and NegotiationLesson 20 Adjustment and Training of Installation of CNC MachinesLesson 21 Method ofReplacing Battery for CNC Machine Tool(I)Lesson 22 Automation OperationLesson 23 Test Operations(I)Lesson 24 Agency AgreementPart IV AppendixAppend The Characteristics of Scientific English科技英语的特点Appendix II The Characteristics ofEnglish Practical Writing英语应用文的特点Appendix III The Basic Knowledge of English-Chinese Translation英汉科技翻译基础知识Appendix IV The Mechanical Drawing in English英文机械图样用语Appendix V Useful Words of Mechanical Engineering机械工程常用词汇Appendix VI Glossary总词汇表Appendix VII Reference Translation参考译文参考文献
机械工程专业英语 节选
机械工程专业英语 相关资料
插图:Ever thought of water,whose versatility has never been in question,being used as a liquidknife?A recent experiment has proved that indeed water jets can cut metals.aluminum,granite and just about any other material-the same way,as an electrically.operated sawing machine.The discovery of this technique goes to an Indian scientist,Dr.Mohan Viay of National Research Council of Canada,who works wim water jet cutting,tools whose blade is a high pressure stream of water.It generates as powerful as 1 50kw of power.The water jet is capable of quickly slicing through most materials without much mess,waste,or disturbance to surrounding material.“The industrial applications for water jet cutters are enormous,”says V.jay,“And thoughthey have been around for more than a decade,recent developments in high pressure pumps havemade these cutters more reliable,and thus more economically feasible,than ever”,he said.