大学英语泛读教程-3-第二版 本书特色
大学英语泛读教程-3-第二版 内容简介
大学英语泛读教程-3-第二版 目录
unit 1: living in society
chapter 1 the paradox of happiness
chapter 2 close to home: technological advances erode barrier between work and home
chapter 3 the birth-order myth
unit 2: safety and health
chapter 4 why so many more americans die in fires
chapter 5 acupuncture: the new old medicine
chapter 6 highs and lows in self-esteem
unit 3: government and education
chapter 7 the federal system of government
chapter 8 too soon old, too late wise
chapter 9 the pursuit of excellence
unit 4: science and technology
chapter 10 antarctica: whose continent is it anyway?
chapter 11 a messenger from the past
chapter 12 is time travel possible?
word list
大学英语泛读教程-3-第二版 节选