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  2020-06-16 00:00:00  

北京-文明与辉煌 本书特色


北京-文明与辉煌 目录

the historical beijing
the imperial beijing
the folk custim of beijing
the cultural beijing

北京-文明与辉煌 节选

《文明与辉煌:北京(英文版)》内容包括:The Historical Belling,From Northern Important Strategic Town to Political Centre,Zhaukoudian& Upper Cave the Mysterious Cranium,The Great Wall, the Great Wonders,Yuandadu Site, the Old City Wall,The City Wall and Gate in the Ming and Qing Dynasties,“inner and Outer Seven”等。

北京-文明与辉煌 相关资料

插图:The Hall of Praying for a Good Harvest The Hall of Praying for a GoodHarvest was the place where emperor prayed for a bumper harvest on the15th of the first month of the Chinese lunar year every year in the Ming andQing Dynasties. It was a round hall with the roof of gold-plating top, thered posts and blue tiles, golden colored drawings and patterns, three-storied layers of eaves. This hall was adopted the structural form with thealtar and with 32 meters high, 30 meters for the diameter, the triple eavesare shrank and bundled upwards and formed umbrella shape layer bylayer. Standing on the altar of Praying for Corn with about 6 meters high,encircled by white fence of stone carving of three layers. The hall isgrandeur and pageantry, well-known at home and abroad, and also is thesymbol and sign of Beijing.The Hall of Praying for a Good Harvest was underproped and connected by28 columns supporting the sky and numerous complicated wooden shelveswithout any beam and iron nail. It is a remarkable model in the woodenframework building and a great wonder in classical timber building of the world,has extremely high science and artistic value. This hall was built in the YongleYear of Ming Dynasty, the original name was Daji Dian, presented the rectangleat first. And then rebuilt with the round hall with triple eaves, and cover blue,yellow and green three colored tiles one by one from top to bottom, namedand Daxiang Dian. In the 17th year of Qianlong reign in the Qing Dynasty( 1752 ), determined as the name of today. At the same time, three color tileschanged into the unified dark blue glazed tiles, in order to symbolize the bluesky. In the 15th year of Guangxu reign in the Qing Dynasty (1889), this hall wasdestroyed by the thunder and fire, and rebuilt according to the former state inthe next year.

