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  2020-06-16 00:00:00  

基础一-新编英语专业口语教程-(配有光盘) 本书特色


基础一-新编英语专业口语教程-(配有光盘) 内容简介


基础一-新编英语专业口语教程-(配有光盘) 目录

unit 1 talk about yourself
 1.1 speak about yourself
 1.2 what do you expect of college life?
 1.3 possible answers & text
unit2 family
 2.1 i have my family behind me
 2.2 a happy family
 2.3 possible answers & text
unit3 friends
 3.1 invitations to dinner
 3.2 gifts from friends
 3.3 possible answers & text
unit4 people i admire
 4.1 people i admire
 4.2 it was excellent
 4.3 possible answers & text
unit5 we are not alone
 5.1 animals on the earth
 5.2 plants on the earth
 5.3 possible answers& text
unit 6 talk about weather
 6.1 weather words
 6.2 talk about weather
 6.3 possible answers & text
unit7 what a wonderful world!
 7.1 the most beautiful places in the world
 7.2 the seven wonders of the 20th century
 7.3 possible answers & text
unit8 when nature gets angry
 8.1 nature' s punishment
 8.2 how to survive an earthquake
 8.3 possible answers & text  
unit9 health & security
 9.1 safety and security
 9.2 habits and health
 9.3 possible answers & text
unit10 eat well
 10.1 places to eat
 10.2 you are what you eat
 10.3 possible answers & text
unit11 time to relax
 11.1 sports
 11.2 films
 11.3 possible answers & text
unit 12 believe in yourself
 12.1 keep believing in yourself
 12.2 developing self & esteem
 12.3 possible answers & text
unit13 live and learn
 13.1 college life
 13.2 learning matters
 13.3 possible answers & text
unit14 make the most of your time?
 14.1 how do you manage your time?
 14.2 where did you time go?
 14.3 possible answers & text
unit15 money matters
 15.1 money words
 15.2 talk about money
 15.3 possible answers & text
unit16 keep cool
 16.1 what are your concerns?
 16.2 how do you beat your stress?
 16.3 possible answers & text

基础一-新编英语专业口语教程-(配有光盘) 节选


