朗文托福考试技能培训教程(高级)(新东方) 本书特色
朗文托福考试技能培训教程(高级)(新东方) 内容简介
朗文托福考试技能培训教程(高级)(新东方) 目录
welcome to northstar building skills for the toefl® ibt
part one: northstar practice units for the toefl® ibt
unit 1 addiction
unit 2 comm unities
unit 3 personality
unit 4 trends
unit 5 cross-cultural insights
unit 6 the workplace
unit 7 perspectives on war
unit 8 the arts
unit 9 freedom of expression
evaluation forms for integrated and independent tasks
answer key
part two: ets practice sets for the toefl® ibt
answer key
toefl® ibt writing and speaking rubrics
朗文托福考试技能培训教程(高级)(新东方) 节选
朗文托福考试技能培训教程(高级)(新东方) 相关资料
插图:Carson did not originally intend to write a book about the harmful effects of DDT. Her interest in the subject was sparked by a letter from old friends telling about the damage that aerial spraying had done to the ecological system on their land. Although Rachel Carson was a best-selling author, no magazine would agree to her idea for an article investigating the negative effects of DDT. She decided to go ahead and deal with the issue in a book, Silent Spring, which took her four years to complete. It described how DDT entered the food chain and accumulated in the fatty tissues of animals, including human beings, and caused cancer and genetic damage. The book's most famous chapter, "A Fable for Tomorrow," depicted a nameless American town where all life——from fish to birds to apple blossoms to children——had been "silenced" by the insidious effects of DDT.First serialized in The New Yorker magazine in June 1962, the book alarmed readers across the country and, not surprisingly, brought howls of anger from the chemical industry. "If man were to faithfully follow the teachings of Miss Carson," complained an executive of the American Cyanamid Company, "we would return to the Dark Ages, and the insects and diseases would once again inherit the earth." Some of the attacks were more personal, questioning Carson's integrity and even her sanity.Her careful preparation, however, had paid off. Foreseeing the reaction of the chemical industry, she had written Silent Spring like a lawyer's brief, with no fewer than 55 pages of notes and a list of experts who had read and approved the manuscript. Many wel-known and respected scientists rose to her defense, and when President John E Kennedy ordered the President's Science Advisory Committee to examine the issues the book raised, its report supported both Silent Spring and its a