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  2020-06-16 00:00:00  

求学生涯高手过招(开口飙英文) 本书特色


求学生涯高手过招(开口飙英文) 内容简介


求学生涯高手过招(开口飙英文) 目录

chapter 1 出国准备
unit 1 自我评估
unit 2 规划未来
unit 3 学校申请
unit 4 面试面面谈
unit 5 遭遇拒签
chapter 2 我是新生
unit 1 欢乐喜相逢
unit 2 迎新派对
unit 3 校园之旅
unit 4 我行我“宿”
unit 5 新生周
unit 6 校方官员
unit 7 拜见导师
chapter 3 课上课下
unit 1 **堂课
unit 2 课堂提问
unit 3 竞选学生会
unit 4 缤纷社团
unit 5 自习室进行曲
unit 6 在实验室
unit 7 在图书馆
unit 8 考试风云
unit 9 考研考博
unit 10 我的师长
chapter 4 娱乐百分百
unit 1 k歌大赛
unit 2 形色聚会
unit 3 环球嘉年华
unit 4 校园动漫季
unit 5 网络世界
chapter 5 生活琐忆
unit 1 阳光晨练
unit 2 小道消息
unit 3 淘你喜欢
unit 4 白色圣诞
unit 5 数码宝贝
unit 6 啃老一族
unit 7 理财abc
unit 8 校园兼职
unit 9 跳蚤市场
unit 10 浓浓思念
chapter 6 宿舍轶事
unit 1 上铺的兄弟
unit 2 午夜怪声
unit 3 夜不归寝
unit 4 谁来值日
chapter 7 男生女生
unit 1 非诚勿扰
unit 2 “丑女”无敌
unit 3 一见钟情
unit 4 铁哥们儿
unit 5 志趣相投
chapter 8 毕业时节
unit 1 “海龟”与“海带”
unit 2 毕业时节
unit 3 难说再见
unit 4 展望未来

求学生涯高手过招(开口飙英文) 节选


求学生涯高手过招(开口飙英文) 相关资料

插图:B: Sorry, but what do you mean?A: Well, what I mean is, we have to makesure that you have enough money to supportyourself during your course without claiming state benefits.B: I see, here are my most resent bankstatements, you will find it.A : Well, that's fine. I think you are success.B. Wow, really? Thank you!B:抱歉,您是指的哪方面?A:是这样,我的意思是我们得确认你学习期间在没有政府福利的情况下你是否有足够的钱来支付你的开销。B:我明白了,这是我最近的银行账单,你会找到答案的。A:是的,非常好。我想你通过了。B:哇,真的?谢谢您!Nowadays, more and more students choose toattend schools or universities outside their homecountries. Then why studying abroad is so attrac-tive even though it often means greater expenseand more difficulties? We may say that thosestudents are bound to benefit considerably fromtheir foreign study experience. The modem worldneeds people to have comprehensive knowledgeand experiences. The world is no longer a separa-ted one in which each part can afford to be totallyindependent. The communication and interchangein fields of culture, business, finance and otherhuman activities are so unprecedentedly frequentand vigorous that the general or specific knowledgeof other members of the global village turns to bemost important to the prosperity of the country, orthe success of a people. This kind of knowledge isusually better achieved if pursued abroad.现在,越来越多的学生选择到国外读高中或大学。尽管出国意味着要有更大的开支,会遇到更多的困难,那为什么出国读书仍有如此大的魅力呢?我们会说这也许是因为学者更注重到国外求学的这种经历。现代社会需要的是知识和阅历的复合型人才,现在的世界已经不是以前那个任何一个个体都可以独立存在的世界,通信和文化,商业,金融和其他人类活动领域的交流是如此空前频繁,人们认为,对一般或具体特殊信息的了解是一个国家富强或民族复兴的根本因素。这样去海

