海关英语阅读-(第1册) 本书特色
海关英语阅读-(第1册) 内容简介
海关英语阅读-(第1册) 目录
Lesson One Overview of China CustomsAdditional Reading China Customs, Marching ForwardLesson Two General Agreement on Tariffs and TradeAdditional Reading The World Trade OrganizationLesson Three Tariff Barriers to TradeAdditional Reading Non-tariffBarriers to TradeLesson Four Bonded WarehousesAdditional Reading Temporary Exemption from DutyLesson Five International TradeAdditional Reading Customs UnionLesson Six Customs Clearing AgencyAdditional Reading Shipping, Insurance, Airway Bill and CustomsLesson Seven The World Customs OrganizationAdditional Reading Customs Co-operation CouncilLesson Eight The Customs Officer and the Incoming PassengersAdditional Reading Customs Baggage Declaration FormLesson Nine Customs Supervision and Control Over Imports and ExportsAdditional Reading Export DocumentationLesson Ten Customs Supervision and Control over the Inward andOutward Means of TransportationAdditional Reading Customs Regulations of the PRC for the Supervision of Inbound and Outbound Trains and Goods and Commodities ThereonLesson Eleven Customs Control aver Manufacture in Bond for ExportAdditional Reading Customs Supervision and Control over Processing Trade andBond OperationsLesson Twelve Customs Supervision and Control over Postal ArticlesAdditional Reading People Treated with Diplomatic CourtesyLesson Thirteen Customs DutiesAdditional Reading Collection of Customs DutiesLesson Fourteen Prevention and Detection of SmugglingAdditional Reading China Customs Protection of Intellectual Property RightsLesson Fifteen Post-clearance Audit System of China CustomsAdditional Reading Developing International Co-operation in Drug Control.Lesson Sixteen Customs Risk ManagementAdditional Reading Brief Review of the Risk Management Development of China CustomsLesson Seventeen Science and Technology of China CustomsAdditional Reading The Papedess Summary ProgramLesson Eighteen China Customs StatisticsAdditional Reading The Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding SystemLesson Nineteen Integrity Building of China CustomsAdditional Reading Declaration of the Customs Co-operation CouncilConcerning Integrity in Customs (Arusha Declaration)Lesson Twenty China Customs in the Twenty-first CenturyAdditional Reading Building a Modern Customs SystemChinese Translation for ReferenceKey to Exercises for ReferenceBibliographyPostscript
海关英语阅读-(第1册) 节选
《海关英语阅读(第1册)》内容简介:This book is published by Southwest Jiaotong University Press according to colleges' aim andrequest of fostering students, referring to a great lot of inland and overseas literatures on Customsoperations in order to adapt to colleges' request of special English teaching of Customsadministration. The intention is to foster students' ability of using Customs English and improvethe Customs stuff's ability of special English literature reading and writing.English is widely used in Customs daily works, which has been involved in all aspects ofoperation, playing a very important part in the knowledge structure of Customs personnel as well asin the syllabus of Customs College.
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