新活力商务英语阅读 内容简介
随着全球经济的发展和市场化的运作,社会越来越迫切地需要既有专业知识又能熟练运用英语解决实际工作中问题的综合性人才,因此这就对开设商务英语专业以及国际商务等财经类专业的高职高专院校的英语教学提出了更新、更高的要求。《新活力商务英语阅读》的编写旨在满足高职高专院校商务英语阅读课程的教学需要,有助于高职生拓宽商务领域知识、提高商务英语的阅读理解能力和一般商务英语的应用能力,为毕业后能更好地从事商务类活动打下良好的基础。本教材也可作为广大商务工作者的学习参考书。 在编写过程中,本书注重学生语言能力培养和商务英语知识学习的有机结合。在培养学生语言应用能力的同时,让学生熟悉和‘了解相关商务活动,掌握必要的商务专业知识。本教材选材新颖,题材广泛,课文主要选自近年来国内外报刊杂志、著作和英文网站上的商务文章,部分课文略有删改。选材内容涉及商务礼仪、商业道德、公关、网络经济、经济合作、全球经济一体化、物流、市场调研、营销与促销、企业管理、企业家文化、工业产权、金融、证券与投资等商务知识。 本教材所选课文知识性、实用性强;课文后配有较详细的背景知识、专业术语、难句分析等注释;课后练习紧扣教材、形式多样化。阅读理解题、小组讨论题、重点词或短语的灵活运用题、专业术语英译汉题、段落汉译英题等练习形式的设计有助于促进学生对每单元专业知识的掌握和消化。本书还针对教学需要提供了较为详细的练习答案和参考译文。
新活力商务英语阅读 目录
Unit 1 Business Etiquette Text A HandshakesText B Table Manners in Anglo-AmericaUnit 2 Business and EthicsText A Business and Your LifeText B Businesses Must Become Ethical EntitiesUnit 3 Public RelationsText A Public Relations Text B PublicityUnit 4 Net Economy Text A From 911 to the Red-EnvelopeText B Web Forums:Making or Breaking Company Reputations Unit 5 Cooperation and Globalization Text A Regional Cooperation Helps to Fortify Asia's Economic Foundations Text B Globalization Was Good Then, Not NowUnit 6 LogisticsText A Components of a Logistics SystemText B Can We Be Self-sufficient7Unit 7 Market ResearchText A International Market Research and SelectionText B Entering Foreign MarketsUnit 8 MarketingText A Marketing Mix Text B Export PricingUnit 9 Business Law and PromotionText A Consumer LawText B Advertising on the WebUnit 10 Management Text A Culture and International Business ManagementText B The Art of Management——The Eight Rules of ManagementUnit 11 EntrepreneurText A The Job of a ManagerText B Inspiration and Hard Work Made Me an EntrepreneurUnit 12 Industrial PropertyText A Patent and TrademarkText B Known Brands Acquiring Name RecognitionUnit 13 FinanceText A The Credit Card EconomyText B Why the Credit Squeeze Is a Turning Point for the WorldUnit 14 Stock MarketText A How to Pick a Stock?Text B Why Some Chinese Invest in the Stock Market and Others Don'tUnit 15 InvestmentText A Amazon Hopes to Birth Bundle of JoyoText B Quiznos Serves Up a Turnaround SandwichKeys to Exercises
新活力商务英语阅读 节选