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  2020-06-16 00:00:00  

实用英语写作 内容简介

  1.选材严谨 本系列教材以教育部颁发的《大学英语课程教学要求》为指导,针对各高校开设的选修课的教学需要编写教材,选材适当、内容新颖、贴近实际、语言难度低于英语专业的同类教材,对于学生而言难度适宜。
  2.编排合理 整套教材在编写的过程中,语言类教材注重理论与实践的结合,有实例、有分析、有练习;文化类教材注重传统经典的弘扬,将人文思想、文学知识有机地结合起来,既增强了学生的跨文化交际能力,拓宽了知识面,同时也帮助他们树立正确的人生观和价值观。
  3.可教性强 編写人员在选材过程中,将实用性放在首位,兼顾趣味性。内容丰富。形式多样,充分体现了以学生为主导的教学理念。在教学过程和练习的设计方面,均强调了教与学的互动,努力实现教师讲授教材内容的少部分,更多内容则由学生通过自主学习和合作学习的方式来消化吸收,使得教学更具有开放性。

实用英语写作 目录

an overview of practical english writing
punctuation abuse
letter writing
business letter writing
memos,faxes and emails
social letters
greeting cards
public speeches
notices,posters and personal ads
7itles,abstracts and acknowledgements
summaries,outlines and reports
instructions,ads and contracts
diaries and journals

实用英语写作 节选


实用英语写作 相关资料

插图:Practice makes perfect. This old saying is easier said than done.First, we should write more often than just for test writing. Actually,opportunities to use English at school are plentiful: sending an email,keeping a diary, preparing a speech, summarizing an article, drafting athesis, writing an application letter. At work, English writing skills mayfind use in a business letter, fax, memorandum, instruction, advertisement,and contract. If you enjoy using English or making it serve you, the listcould go on and on. This book, Practical English Writing, just as its namesuggests, offers plenty of opportunities to write for practical purposes.

