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  2020-06-16 00:00:00  

国际商务英语函电-(第四版)-附送光盘一张 本书特色


国际商务英语函电-(第四版)-附送光盘一张 内容简介


国际商务英语函电-(第四版)-附送光盘一张 目录

**章 建立业务关系
第二章 询盘
第三章 发盘
第四章 还盘
第五章 订单及成交
第六章 支付方式
第七章 信用证
第八章 装运
第九章 保险
第十章 投诉和索赔
附录一 常用词汇
附录二 世界主要港口
附录三 常用货币符号

国际商务英语函电-(第四版)-附送光盘一张 节选


国际商务英语函电-(第四版)-附送光盘一张 相关资料

插图:Complaints or claims made by one company against another are normal in trade. Claims areusually raised by the buyers for great loss, for example, orders may be filled improperly or in-completely; short weight or shortage or quantity; inferior quality and improper packing, etc. Theletters written to bring these errors to the attention of those who must take the responsibility forthem are known as complaint or claim letters.The purpose of writing a letter of complaint or claim is to get better service or reasonablecompensation instead of accusing the others. Thus, a complaint letter to a supplier, customer,or other businessperson about their work must be written in a restrained and tactful way.If a complaint or claim letter has to be made by the buyer, the letter should include the fol-lowing elements :1. Begin by regretting the need to complain.2. Detailed presentation of facts to explain what is wrong. Mention the exact date, nameand quantity of goods, contract number or any other specific information that will make a recheckeasier for the seller.3. Refer to the inconvenience or loss caused.4. Suggest how the matter should be put right. The buyer who doesn't know what adjust-ment is proper should try to stimulate prompt investigation and action.

