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  2020-06-16 00:00:00  

机电工程专业英语 本书特色


机电工程专业英语 内容简介


机电工程专业英语 目录

part ⅰ mechanical manufacturing technology(机械制造技术篇)
 lesson 1 manufacturing processes
 lesson 2 engineering propertie8
 lesson 3 engineering materials
 lesson 4 heat treatment of metals
 lesson 5 machine tools
 lesson 6 computer numerical control of machine tools
 lesson 7 hot working and cold working
 lesson 8 special casting processes
 lesson 9 computer—integrated manufacturing
 lesson 10 rapid——prototyping operations
part ⅱ mechanical design technology(机械设计技术篇)
 lesson 11 tension compression and shear
 lesson 12 ball and roller bearings
 lesson 13 gear types

机电工程专业英语 节选


机电工程专业英语 相关资料

插图:a very fundamental subject since it is of interest not onlyto mechanical engineers but also to those from practically every discipline of engineering. Forvarious products such as plant machinery required for chemical, civil, electrical, electronic ortextile industries, the manufacturing process forms a vital ingredient. A detailed understanding of the manufacturing processes is thus essential for everyengineer.This helps him appreciate the capabilities, advantages and also the limitations ofthe process. This in turn helps in the proper design of any product required from him.Firstly he would be able to assess the feasibility of manufacturing from his designs. He mayalso find that there is more than one process available for manufacturing a particular productand he can make a proper choice of the process which would require the lowest manufacturingcost and would deliver the product of desired quality. He may also modify his design slightlyto suit the particular manufacturing process he chooses. There are a large number of processes available for manufacture to the engineer. Theseprocesses can be broadly classified into four categories.

