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  2020-06-16 00:00:00  

大学英语网考视听新体验-4-(含1CD-ROM) 目录

Unit One Science and TechnologySection A Lead inSection B Listening ComprehensionSection C VideoUnit Two ArtsSection A Lead inSection B Listening ComprehensionSection C VideoUnit Three Holidays and FestivalsSection A Lead inSection B Listening ComprehensionSection C VideoUnit Four TransportationSection A Lead inSection B Listening ComprehensionSection C VideoUnit Five Business and EconomySection A Lead inSection B Listening ComprehensionSection C VideoUnit Six ShoppingSection A Lead inSection B Listening ComprehensionSection C VideoUnit Seven WealthSection A Lead inSection B Listening ComprehensionSection C VideoUnit Eight Man and AnimalsSection A Lead inSection B Listening ComprehensionSection C VideoKeysScripts

大学英语网考视听新体验-4-(含1CD-ROM) 节选

《大学英语网考视听新体验4》共8个单元,单元主题包括Science and Technology,Arts,Holidays and Festivals,Transportation,Business and Economy,Shopping,Wealth和Man and Animals。内容题材广泛,语言规范,题型设计、练习难度与大学英语四级网考一致,适合大学英语二年级使用。书后附有参考答案和录音文字材料供学生参考。《大学英语网考视听新体验4》是学生提高听力能力和了解网考听力题型的**教材。

大学英语网考视听新体验-4-(含1CD-ROM) 相关资料

That's right. Money is gonna have the more significant impact on those low incomeindividuals. People who have very little, they are making 20 thousand dollars. They getfrom 20 to 50 thousand dollars,that's gonna have a big impact on them.That may,that would. But let me tell 15 years in practice. I have never had anybodycome in and say, you know why I'm here? I need a little more money. Right, it is allabout do I feel loved,and do I love something in the world. In other words, doing workthat does not speak to your heart and making lots of money is a prescription for disaster.Yeah, you listened to the surveys of the kinds of jobs that make people thehappiest. They aren't necessarily, not even close to jobs that pay the most money. Theyare things like teachers,social workers, ( people like that... )firefighters, (.fireman yeah)not necessarily highly-paid jobs.I will still align for my own psychiatrist when I was in therapy. He said,the last placeyou wanna be is in the first-class seat, on a plane going somewhere you don't wannago. Absolutely true. It's really about feeling loved. The people come to me,who are inthe toughest spot, aren't convinced they are well loved, and they aren't convinced, thereare something in the world that they genuinely have passion and love for.Good, passion is another thing that makes people happy. (Yeah)health and passion.Health ,health is at the top of the list in terms of what makes you happy. Havinggood relationships with people, having a lot of very close personal friends, having a goodmarriage ,these are the types of things that make people happy.Well, by the way then, health, money can help you buy happiness there. Becausemoney can give you access to the best health care in the world. (Well,absolutely!)Youstill have to take care of yourself. (that's true),but it can make you healthier.And if you flip that around,then you '11 get to the core of what really makes peoplehappy. Because sometimes you

