TOEFL IBT新托福一遍通:阅读应试指南:冲刺篇 内容简介
TOEFL IBT新托福一遍通:阅读应试指南:冲刺篇 目录
托福网考实战介绍:阅读训练 chapter 1 short passage skill practice skill a understanding details skill b identifying topics and paraph rasing skill c recognizing coherence skill d understanding referents and vocabulary skill e making inferences and establishing purpose skill f completing summaries and tables review a—f vocabulary review skill review chapter 2 long passage skill practice skill a understanding details skill b identifying topics and paraph rasing skill c recognizing coherence review a—c vocabulary review skill review skill d understanding referents and vocabulary skill e making inferences and establishing purpose skill f completing summaries and tables review a—f vocabulary review skill review chapter 3 focus:summarizing information focus a completing summaries focus b creating tables and charts practice test keys