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  2020-06-16 00:00:00  

综合英语-(I) 目录

Unit 1
Text A University Days
Text B Reining in the Test of Tests

Unit 2
Text A A Vision of Revitalized Education
Text B The Information Revolution Will Transform Education

Unit 3
Text A For Students Seeking Edge, One Major Just Isn't Enough
Text B Your Career Matters: No Longer Just Eggheads, Linguists Leap to the Net

Unit 4
Text A The Synchronization of the World Economy
Text B Just Say No to GIobalization

Unit 5
Text A Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus
Text B Can Men and Women Be Friends?

Unit 6
Text A Going Green at the Office
Text B Putting Energy Hogs in the Home on a Strict Low-Power Diet

Unit 7
Text A The Importance of Resilience
Text B Life without Fear

Unit 8
Text A Living in an Automobile Culture
Text B Cars, Culture, Concrete, and Convenience

Unit 9
Text A Chinese Lunar Landing Imminent?
Text B One Giant Leap, Followed by Decades of Baby Steps

Unit 10
Text A The Discus Thrower
Text B The Acorn Gatherer

Unit 11
Text A Are You Money Savvy or a Money Stave?
Text B Money

Unit 12
Text A How to Get Famous in 30 Seconds
Text B Medicine's Wild Kingdom

综合英语-(I) 节选


综合英语-(I) 相关资料

I finally took a deferred pass, as they called it, and waited a yearand tried again. (You had to pass one of the biological sciences or youcould not graduate. ) The professor had come back from vacation brownas a berry, bright-eyed, and eager to explain cell-structure again to hisclasses. "Well," he said to me, cheerily, when we met in the firstlaboratory hour of the semester, "we' re going to see cells this time,aren't we? Yes,. sir," I said. Students to right of me and to left of meand in front of me were seeing cells; what's more, they were quietlydrawing pictures of them in their notebooks. Of course, I didn't seeanything.
"We' 11 try it," the professor said to me, grimly, "with everyadjustment of the microscope known to man. As God is my witness, I'llarrange this glass so that you see cells through it or I'll give up teaching.In twenty-two years of botany, I--" He cut off abruptly for he wasbeginning to quiver all over, like Lionel Barrymore, and he genuinelywished to hold onto his temper; his scenes with me had taken a great dealout of him.
So we tried it with every adjustment of the microscope known toman. With only one of them did I see anything but blackness or thefamiliar lacteal opacity, and that time I saw, to my pleasure andamazement, a variegated constellation of flakes, specks and dots. These Ihastily drew. The instructor, noting my activity, came back from anadjoining desk, a smile on his lips and his eyebrows high in hope. Helooked at my cell drawing. "What's that?" he demanded, with a hint of asqueal in his voice. "That' s what I saw," I said. "You didn't, youdidn't, you didn't!" he screamed, losing control of his temper instantly,and he bent over and squinted into the microscope. His head snapped up."That's your eye!" he shouted. "You've fixed the lens so that it reflects!You' ve drawn your eye !"
Another course that I didn't like, but somehow managed to pass,was economics. I went to that class, straight from the botany class, whichdidn'

