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  2020-06-16 00:00:00  

商务英语口语 本书特色


商务英语口语 内容简介


商务英语口语 目录

unit 1 reception
 model dialogues
  1 at the airport
  2 at the restaurant
  3 introducing companies
 student dialogues
  1 asking for mr. liu's room number
  2 asking for flight information
  3 asking for the train schedule
 basics: numbers
 passage: ted turner
 video clip: bmw
 recording exercises: advertising
unit 2 telephone communication
 model dialogues
  1 asking about new products on the phone
  2 making invitations on the phone
  3 asking for the room number on the phone
 student dialogues
  1 leaving a message on the answering machine
  2 calling back mr. liu
  3 dialing a wrong number
 basics: telephone numbers
 passage: cnn and "the king of media"
 video clip: lavinia's fashion empire
 recording exercises: entrepreneurs and the entrepreneurial spirit
unit 3 booking
 model dialogues
  1 booking flight tickets
  2 booking hotel rooms
  3 buying concert tickets
 student dialogues
  1 booking a flight ticket
  2 making an appointment
  3 confirming a meeting
 basics: month, week, dates and time
 passage: the american attitude towards manual labor
 video clip: beauty farm
 recording exercises: recreation and entertainment
unit 4 schedules
 model dialogues
  1 arranging a schedule
  2 making changes in a schedule
  3 arranging further meetings
 student dialogues
  1 making a schedule
  2 sharing the schedule
  3 making changes in the schedule
 basics: important newspaper, journals and magazines in america and britain
 passage: where is the beef: after announcing the first loss in its history,
 mcdonald's tries to turn around
 video clip: toy companies target oversized children
 recording exercises: travel (one)
unit 5 price
 model dialogues
  1 setting the manufacturer's price
  2 sharing the advertising cost
  3 asking a price
 student dialogues
  1 asking a price
  2 negotiating the price
 basics: currency
 passage: wal-mart
 video clip: a restored farm in portugal
 recording exercises: travel (two)
unit 6 modes of payment
 model dialogues
  1 asking about modes of payment
  2 talking about opening a letter of credit
  3 negotiating on the modes of payment
 student dialogues
  1 comparing different modes of payment
  2 discussing the modes of payment
  3 paying the bill in a restaurant
 basics: asking for price
 passage: henry ford: bringing the automobile to the common man
 video clip: david beckham: the favorite of the advertising companies
 recording exercises: famous people
unit 7 shipment and packaging
unit 8 signing a contract
unit 9 coming to a new company
unit 10 working together
unit 11 sales promotion
unit 12 planning for the future
附录1 示范对话翻译
附录2 短文翻译
附录3 练习答案
附录4 总词汇表

商务英语口语 节选

《商务英语口语》的教学内容共十二个单元,每个单元由示范对话、学生对话、单项训练、短文、视频欣赏和录音练习六个部分组成。**部分的示范对话是每个单元的核心,它在内容上前后承接,主要围绕美国商人马库斯到中国购买办公家具、洽谈作为汤普森南京公司北美代理这一主要情节展开,内容涉及付款、包装、运输、理赔、仲裁与合同签署等外贸洽谈中的重要环节。每个单元的第二至六部分,一方面巩固课文中学习的内容、词汇、句式与表达法,另一方面适当介绍制造业、旅游业、时尚业、广告、餐饮、媒体、动画制作等多种商业活动的内容及常用的英语词汇。 本教材遵循以学生为教学主体的理念,课文的呈现方式、练习设计与多媒体课件的功能等均体现了这一教学理念。课文的示范对话和与之配套的学生对话分别有文字版与动画版,动画生动、形象地表现了对话内容;文字版则配有词汇与中文翻译。每个单元有标注不同难度系数的练习。配套的多媒体课件使学生能在电脑上进行跟读、模仿、角色扮演与录音的训练。这些有助于学生灵活、自主地安排学习与复习。

