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  2020-06-05 00:00:00  

宏观经济学原理-第4版 本书特色


宏观经济学原理-第4版 内容简介


宏观经济学原理-第4版 目录

第1部分 引言
 第1章 像经济学家一样思考
第2部分 宏观经济学:数据和问题
 第4章 支出、收入和gdp
 第5章 通货膨胀和价格水平
 第6章 工资和失业
第3部分 长期经济
 第7章 经济增长
 第8章 储蓄、资本形成和金融市场
 第9章 金融体系、货币和价格
第4部分 短期经济
 第10章 短期波动
 第11章 短期的消费和产出
 第12章 稳定经济:美联储的作用
 第13章 总供给和总需求
 第14章 宏观经济政策

宏观经济学原理-第4版 节选


宏观经济学原理-第4版 相关资料

插图:Our focus in this chapter is on issues that confront the individual decisionmaker, whether that individual confronts a personal decision, a family decision, abusiness decision, a government policy decision, or indeed any other type of deci-sion. Further on, we'll consider economic models of groups of individuals suchas all buyers or all sellers in a specific market. Later still we will turn to broadereconomic issues and measures.No matter which of these levels is our focus, however, our thinking will beshaped by the fact that although economic needs and wants are effectively unlim-ited, the material and human resources that can be used to satisfy them are finite.Clear thinking about economic problems must therefore always take into accountthe idea of trade-offs——the idea that having more of one good thing usually meanshaving less of another. Our economy and our society are shaped to a substantialdegree by the choices people have made when faced with trade-offs.THE APPROACH OF THIS TEXTChoosing the number of students to register in each class is just one of many im-portant decisions in planning an introductory economics course. Another decision,to which the Scarcity Principle applies just as strongly, concerns which of many dif-ferent topics to include on the course syllabus. There is a virtually inexhaustible setof topics and issues that might be covered in an introductory course, but only lim-ited time in which to cover them. There is no free lunch. Covering some topicsinevitably means omitting others.All textbook authors are necessarily forced to pick and choose. A textbook thatcovered all the issues ever written about in economics would take up more than awhole floor of your campus library. It is our firm view that most introductory text-books try ~o cover far too much. One reason that each of us was drawn to the studyof economics was that a relatively short list of t

宏观经济学原理-第4版 作者简介

罗伯特·H.弗兰克(Robert H.Frank)美国康奈尔大学经济学、伦理学与公共政策教授,曾与他人共同著述《赢家通吃的社会》,对消费行为理论有很大影响。

