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  2020-06-05 00:00:00  

基础统计学(英文版·第4版)(双语教学) 本书特色


基础统计学(英文版·第4版)(双语教学) 内容简介


基础统计学(英文版·第4版)(双语教学) 目录

第1章 统计学导论
第2章 描述统计学
第3章 概率
第4章 离散概率分布
第5章 正态概率分布
第6章 置信区间
第7章 单样本假设检验
第8章 双样本假设检验
第9章 相关和回归
第10章 卡方检验和f分布
第11章 非参数检验

基础统计学(英文版·第4版)(双语教学) 节选


基础统计学(英文版·第4版)(双语教学) 相关资料

插图:Making a Plan Make your own course plan right now! A good rule of thumb is to study at least two hours for every hour in class. After your first major exam, you will know if your efforts were sufficient. If you did not get the grade you wanted, then you should increase your study time, improve your study efficiency, or both.Preparing for Class Before every class, review your notes from the previous class and read the portion of the text that is to be covered. Pay special attention to the definitions and rules that are highlighted. Read the examples and work through the Try It Yourself exercises that accompany each example. These steps take self-discipline, but they pay off because you will benefit much more from your instructor's presentation.Attending Class Attend every class. Arrive on time with your text, materials for taking notes, and your calculator. If you must miss a class, get the notes from another student, go to a tutor or your instructor for help, or view the appropriate CD Lecture Video. Try to learn the material that was covered in the missed class before attending the next class.Participating in Class When reading the text before class, reviewing your notes from a previous class, or working on your homework, write down any questions you have about the material. Ask your instructor these questions during class. Doing so will help you (and others in your class) understand the material better.

基础统计学(英文版·第4版)(双语教学) 作者简介

罗恩·拉森(Ron Larson) 美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学比兰德学院数学教授.科罗拉多大学数学博士。运用多媒体及互联网手段改进数学教学的倡导者,曾撰写多本微积分、高等数学教材,这些教材均成为各自领域的经典著作。

