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The Indigenous Studies of Chinese Management-中国本土化管理案例研究-英文

  2020-06-08 00:00:00  

The Indigenous Studies of Chinese Management-中国本土化管理案例研究-英文 本书特色


The Indigenous Studies of Chinese Management-中国本土化管理案例研究-英文 内容简介

本书旨在更为清晰地阐明中国企业管理本土研究的理念定义,并概述进行这种研究的一般性的范式。本土研究要求普遍的理论与地方特定环境下解释方法相结合,并从背景化的特殊知识和一般性的理论知识双角度进行研究。本书研究的主要问题在于如何将普遍性理论适当结合“本土化”理论,并且这个过程中并不产生矛盾。为此,需要一种本身就具有普遍性的研究方法。通过桥接管理学理论和本土研究,本书对四个中国当代管理案例进行分析,建立一个分析框架,理解文化嵌入式的企业行为和经济制度在历史和当代经济中作用的统一。 对于管理学未来的发展,本土研究似乎是能够将西方管理理论与中国企业的实践结合的方法,因为它专注于植根在当地文化、组织和政治背景下的企业的行为。本书希望用一个通用的框架和大致谦卑的观点寻求对中国企业本质的理解。

The Indigenous Studies of Chinese Management-中国本土化管理案例研究-英文 目录

Chapter 1 Causal Explanation in Indigenous Studies of Chinese Management: From a Performativity Perspective
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Causal model and performativity
1.2.1 Daniel Little's approach
1.2.2 The case and interpretive approach
1.2.3 Some implication for empirical research
1.3 An introduction of performativity
1.4 The focus on ritual
1.5 Conclusion

Chapter 2 Corporate Social Responsibility Information Disclosure at the Perspective of Ritual: An Empirical Analysis of China's Listed Companies
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Theory and hypothesis development
2.2.1 Theory of CSR
2.2.2 CSR practice in China
2.2.3 Hypothesis development
2.3 Design of the study and methodology
2.3.1 Sample construction
2.3.2 Index analysis
2.3.3 The categories of GRI
2.3.4 Research design
2.3.5 Regression analysis
2.4 Results
2.4.1 Descriptive statistics and correlations
2.4.2 Regression result analysis
2.5 Conclusion and discussion
2.5.1 Conclusion
2.5.2 Limitations

Chapter 3 Research on Political Connections under Regional Competition Back-ground : An Empirical Analysis of China's Listed Companies
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Institutional background and hypothesis development
3.2.1 Development of Chinese private firms
3.2.2 Political connections of private firm under regional competition in China
3.3 Literature review and hypothesis development
3.3.1 Political connection
3.3.2 Regional competition
3.4 Design of the study and methodology
3.4.1 The data resources
3.4.2 Research design
3.4.3 Variable description
3.5 Results and discussion
3.5.1 Descriptive statistics and correlations
3.5.2 Regression result
3.5.3 Analysis of the result
3.6 Conclusion
3.6.1 Conclusion
3.6.2 Policy implications

Chapter 4 Corporate Culture of Private Firms in Contemporary China
4.1 Introduction
4.2 China and western representations of the concepts of corporate culture
4.2.1 Western academic representations
4.2.2 Chinese academic representations
4.3 The development of business culture in China
4.3.1 Chinese traditional culture
4.3.2 Institutional legacies of post 1949 developments
4.4 Business culture of China
4.5 Entrepreneurial creativity——a Chinese model of corporate culture
4.6 Conclusion

Chapter 5 Road map for Further Research
Index The Indigenous Studies of Chinese Management-中国本土化管理案例研究-英文
